Far-right Polish lawmaker says pogroms were good for Jews, made them powerful
Jews benefited from the murderous pogroms against them in Europe and became more powerful because of the violence, said a far-right Polish lawmaker.
Janusz Korwin-Mikke—a former lawmaker in the European Parliament and leading member of a coalition of

Polish lawmaker Janusz Korwin-Mikke. Credit: Wikimedia Commons.
far-right parties called Confederation, Liberty and Independence—was on a Polish television news program last week talking about coronavirus when he made the remarks.
He said a positive outcome to the outbreak is that it’s eliminating the weak through natural selection and improving the gene pool of the human race, according to The Jerusalem Post. He then tried to prove his theory by citing the pogroms against Jews.
“Jews are now powerful because they had pogroms,” he said. “As a result of pogroms, the strongest and the most gifted survived. This is a warning to anti-Semites: That is why Jews are powerful, because they had pogroms. There are even theories that rabbis deliberately provoke pogroms precisely so that Jews survive, and then there is natural selection.”
Korwin-Mikke, 77, has a history of making antisemitic comments and distorting facts about the Holocaust.
In 2013, he said that Adolf Hitler probably didn’t know about the Holocaust. Last year, he protested the decision to ban Holocaust-denier David Irving from entering Poland.