Families of hostages gather in Jerusalem for global prayer service

October 27, 2023 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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With the fate of their loved ones remaining uncertain as Israel recorded 20 days since the onset of the war with Hamas, over 70 family members of hostages being held in Gaza gathered at the Aish World Center overlooking the Western Wall in Jerusalem for a Global Day of Unity and Prayer.

Families Photo: Yisrael Mizrachi – Kim Photography

The event organized by Aish, an international Jewish educational non-profit, in partnership with the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, saw the participation of over 50,000 people from around the world.

Meirav Leshem Gonen, mother of Romi, who was last heard from on the morning of October 7th, shortly before being taken into Hamas captivity, addressed the gathering, saying: “We don’t know exactly where Romi is or even how she is. But I know that as a mother, my heart is in Gaza and all we want is to do everything possible to bring her back and the only way to do that is to stay united.  The world needs to know that we are together, and we will stay together, because that is what gives us strength.”

Overlooking the Western Wall Plaza, the event, the first global prayer service of its type with the participation of the families of the hostages, was attended by Israel’s Chief Rabbis who recited psalms and prayers calling for the quick return of the captives alongside musical performances focused on themes of hope and salvation.

Jamie Geller, Chief Marketing Officer of Aish, opened the ceremony saying: “As a Jewish people, we share one heart and that heart has been shattered into millions of pieces. But our responsibility is to be here for the Jewish people in their time of need and we know that through the power of prayer, we can be blessed to have these families return to this very spot very soon alongside their loved ones.”

Rabbi Eitiel Goldwicht, Director of Aish Israel, spoke of the need for the world to choose between good and evil and come together, regardless of faith, in a spirit of prayer for the immediate release of the captives. “In the name of each one of these families, from this holy place where morality was born, we ask the world to pick the side of morality and values. If we decide to be on the right side of history and unite in this cause, we can be confident that we will win and be blessed to see better days ahead.”

The evening concluded with a moment of silence, as participants around the world, with viewers in 52 countries, were encouraged to pray for the safe release of the hostages.

“Aish has always stood for the unity of the Jewish people and we know there is no greater connector than prayer to bring us together in both heart and mind,” said Rabbi Steven Burg, CEO of Aish. “It was our honor to host these families and we sincerely hope and pray this evening gave them some sense of comfort and the realization that there is an entire world thinking of them and praying for their loved ones quick and safe return.”

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