Ethiopian Immigrants Celebrate New Torah

December 1, 2012 by Benjamin Rutland
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500 Olim (immigrants) from Ethiopia who arrived in Israel in recent weeks celebrated as they inaugurated a new Torah scroll at The Jewish Agency for Israel’s Ibim Absorption Center in the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council (north of Sderot)…a report from Benjamin Rutland.

New Torah

The “Hachnasat Sefer Torah” ceremony is one of the happiest events within the Jewish lifecycle. The Sefer Torah was donated by Charles and Ariela Zeloof. Just last week, the olim hadbeen forced to sit in bomb shelters and protected rooms due to the very real threat of rocket fire from the Gaza Strip.

Yehuda Sharf,  Director  of the Aliyah, Absorption & Special Operations Unit at The Jewish Agency said, “This was a moving event and reflects the amazing resilience of these recent olim who, like all the residents of Southern Israel, had to face an onslaught of rocket fire in recent weeks’

Former Sydneysider Benjamin Rutland is Spokesperson to the Foreign and English Language Media at the Jewish Agency in Jerusalem.


3 Responses to “Ethiopian Immigrants Celebrate New Torah”
  1. Shirlee. says:

    By the way Harry, I forgot the most important point, which is likely the reason for this beautiful story to be posted

    The UIA, the organisation to which many in the Community donate, is a Funder of the Jewish Agency.

    So I guess many people are happy to see their money doing good work

  2. Harry says:

    I fail to see the relevance of this story or a previous one on a similar subject, other than the fact that the author is an Australian. Is Jwire now going to publish international news on the basis that there is some connection – albeit remote – to an Australian Jewish context?!

    • Shirlee. says:


      What’s your problem?

      So it’s not Australian news.. There I agree with you.

      But, so what?

      It’s a snippet of ‘pleasant’ news amongst the lousy.

      You know what?

      You don’t have to read it.

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