Feldmans must quit Flood St Yeshiva Centre

October 11, 2017 by J-Wire Staff
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A submission from The Yeshiva Centre to be allowed to continue to occupy the Flood St premises it leases from a company associated with Harry Triguboff following the expiry of the lease in December has been rejected by the NSW Supreme Court in Sydney.

The synagogue building in Flood St

The Centre contains the Yeshiva Synagogue and Sydney Talmudic College Association run by Rabbi Pinchus Feldman and members of his family.

The Centre shares the Triguboff-owned premises with the Our Big Kitchen and Yeshiva College Bondi which are not connected to the Feldman family.

Yesterday Justice Darke of the Supreme Court of NSW emphatically decided against a claim to occupy or use parts of the Yeshiva Centre by members of the Feldman family beyond the expiration of their leases in a little more than two months. The claim was dismissed.

The Feldman family entities which are the lessees, are required to surrender vacant possession back to the lessor, The Harry Triguboff Foundation, at that time.

Leases to Our Big Kitchen and the Yeshiva College are unaffected by yesterday’s decision.

A spokesman for the Foundation said: “The Yeshiva Synagogue will of course remain at the heart of the Centre and plans are afoot to invest in the Synagogue’s future by dramatically improving facilities and membership.

The Court’s decision is a very good one for the local Chabad community and will ensure sound management of the Yeshiva Centre well into the future.”

Head of Chabad in NSW Rabbi Pinchus Feldman told J-Wire the synagogue remains operational in Flood St but declined to answer questions about alternative plans for his congregation.

His son Rabbi Yossi Feldman who had been a cross-claimant in the court action told J-Wire: “Besides that the ruling gives my father and Chabad rights which have to be worked out, we’re likely appealing…”

The Feldman have controlled the Yeshiva synagogue in Flood St since the late 1960s.

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