Emanuel student wins top place in the cyber scene
Emanuel School’s Zane Voloshin, Year 10, has won Interrelate’s NSW Film Festival for High Schools competition for his short film entitled b.u.!.!.y.

Zane Voloshin
His film featured Emanuel School student, Tomer Belkin, as the solo actor. The competition was open to all NSW High School students who were encouraged to create a clip around the theme of cyberbullying.
Zane explained that he wanted to make a difference by raising awareness of the topic in a creative and accessible way. “I enjoyed creating this film,” he commented, “I wanted to get the message across so that others can benefit. The intention of the film was to show a way to get through cyberbullying by building resilience and inner strength, while depicting the emotional effects of cyberbullying.”
Zane shared the winning film with Emanuel School’s High School students, introducing it by commenting: “I want you all to realise that change starts with you and each and every one of you can help.”
According to Interrelate, one in five Australians aged 8-17 experiences cyberbullying each year and Australia has been ranked number 1 in the world for bullying on social networks.
Emanuel School’s Principal, Anne Hastings, commented: “The statistics regarding cyberbullying are extremely worrying. By sharing his message, Zane has helped to raise awareness of this social network epidemic. b.u.!.!.y is a hard-hitting and engaging story which many young adults can relate to. I congratulate Zane for helping to bring about change.”
Visit www.facebook.com/Interrelate to view Zane’s and other students’ entries.