ECAJ welcomes Zygier inquiries

February 19, 2013 by J-Wire Staff
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The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) has welcomed announcements by the Australian and Israeli governments of further inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the death of the late Ben Zygier, a dual Israeli and Australian citizen who had immigrated to Israel in the early 2000’s and reportedly died while in custody in Israel in December 2010.

Ben Zygier   Photo provided and copyright

Ben Zygier Photo copyright

“We welcome the fact that the Israeli Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Subcommittee for Intelligence and the Israeli State Attorney’s office, part of the Ministry of Justice, have both announced that they will be conducting investigations into the circumstances surrounding Ben Zygier’s death,” said ECAJ President, Dr Danny Lamm.

“We also welcome the inquiries being undertaken by Australia’s Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, within the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the fact that he has invited the Israeli authorities to have an input into those inquiries”.

“We look forward to the official inquiries publishing concrete information about the circumstances surrounding the death of Ben Zygier in the hope that it will put further rumour and speculation to rest and bring some comfort to his still-grieving family and friends.”

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