ECAJ offers sympathy
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has sent a message of sympathy to Israel following the fatal bomb attack on a Jerusalem bus.
Executive Director of the ECAJ, Peter Wertheim, sent the following message to Israel’s Ambassador to Australia, Yuval Rotem:
On behalf of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry and the Jewish community of Australia, and in the absence of our President Dr Danny Lamm who is presently in South Africa, I write to extend our deepest sympathy and support for the people and the government of Israel, and in particular for the victims and their families, following the appalling terrorist attack in Jerusalem yesterday.
The fact that the attack comes hard on the heels of the murder of five members of the Fogel family in Itamar and an alarming increase in rocket and mortar attacks from Gaza in recent days is a cause for concern for the Jewish people everywhere.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all the people of Israel.