ECAJ appalled by Sydney shooting

October 4, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has expressed its dismay at yesterday’s fatal shooting of a police employee in a killing described by Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as an act of terrorism.

ECAJ-LOGO290In a joint media release, president Robert Goot and executive director Peter Wertheim stated: “The Australian Jewish community is shocked and appalled by the fatal shooting yesterday outside Parramatta police station of Curtis Cheng, a 58-year-old, long-standing and well-respected police employee. The fact that the victim was killed in a politically-motivated attack, and that his murderer was a 15-year old boy, Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, makes the crime all the more deplorable.

We agree entirely with the observation of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull that the killing was an act of terrorism and “cold-blooded murder”.

We pray for Mr Cheng’s soul and share in the sorrow, grief and revulsion caused by the heinous crime which claimed his life. May his family be granted strength and comfort at this time of great pain.

We pay tribute to the NSW police officers at the station who appear to have had no choice but to kill Jabar in order to prevent him from shooting other innocent people.

A crime of this nature inevitably raises questions about how anybody living in freedom and relative comfort in Australia could descend into such base behaviour. However, this terrible tragedy should not be an occasion for recriminations. On the contrary, it should serve to unite Australians to affirm all the more strongly the values that our society has always held dear, and to do so in our politics, our educational institutions, our media and every facet of our public life.


6 Responses to “ECAJ appalled by Sydney shooting”
  1. Eleonora Mostert says:

    Are these people from ECAJ related to Vic Alhadef?

  2. Shirlee Finn says:

    Oh deary me.

    The Executive Council of Australian Jewry has expressed its dismay … Are those two who run the ECAJ for real?

    Clearly they have no idea about Islam, and neither has Malcolm Turnbull in undoing the good that Tony Abbott did working against it.

    Here we go in today’s MSM…It was inevitable because the ‘powers that be’ have no issue with Islam.

    “Facebook page labels teen shooter Farhad Jabar a ‘hero of the Islamic people’ “

    “The teenage gunman who executed a NSW Police Force employee was lauded as a “hero of the Islamic people” on a social media page.”

    “On one of the Facebook pages that have emerged since the shooting, the teen has been labelled the “hero of Parramatta”.

    “Hero of the Islamic peoples he will be greatly missed,” one post reads on the Facebook page.

    “Death to the evil police state of Australia who killed this young child all he is guilty of was being muslim!!”

  3. David Adler says:

    If this is really your question “how anybody living in freedom and relative comfort in Australia could descend into such base behaviour” then you need to learn rather more about Islam.

  4. Paul Winter says:

    Au contraire, Messieurs Goot et Wertheim, the murder of a decent human being, selected possibly because he was Chinese, by a junior jihadi is a wake-up call to the fact that multi-culturalism has been killed by its supremacist enemy and our society is under attack.

    Mohammedan communal leaders bray that the murderer was radicalised because we, the Australian society, has not done enough for scum of his sort, but they don’t condemn his act in so many words. They tell us that the murderer was not acting in the true spirit of Islam. They lie. Attacks on the kuffar is demanded by the Qur’an and shahida is one of the highest goals of Islam. As Erdogan stated there is no moderate Islam; there is only Islam. The “moderates” are the ones who have not yet become violent or been killed as apostates by the violent ones.

    The multiculturalism that you promote is a hoax perpetrated on Western society by people who cannot admit that they are failures and ideologues who think that we have had it coming.

    Now is the time to call the mohammedans to account. But you won’t do it, the politicians won’t risk votes and the police won’t do anything to make work for themselves and disturb what passes for peace.

  5. Geoff Seidner says:

    Against whom would we ‘recriminate’against? The Kelathumpians are plainly guiltless.
    They have great programmes against radicalization.THEY COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT!!!

    The far right demonstrating against the Kelathumpians are surely not for you to contemplate.
    NOTE SIR: Indubitably enemies of Jews will manifestly assume you are holding us guilty?


    Why do you put yourself – our people – in a position where you are making excuses for not only something that has not happened – but will not happen through Jewish hands?

    You hold a responsible position: why kick us in the process of your guileless waffle?

    Reminds me of theoutrages re Shurat Ha Din..

    Chag Sameach to you and the Kelathumpians

    • Geoff Seidner says:


      They should be aware that I too am ”APPALLED” with their use of the ”APPALLED” word in the moribund press release.

      Who released the pap above?
      Do these people not understand that they dishonour the victim and themselves?

      NOTHING LENDS ITSELF TO PARODY than the sheer ignorance of the parodic implications of the ”APPALLED” word! so many links here:


      Yes Minister – An appalling view on Euro … – YouTube
      Video for yes minister appalling▶
      Jun 15, 2012 – Uploaded by eurointerest – Europe was meant to bring nations into better harmony together – not to keep families …
      Yes Minister – Season 1, Episode 5: The Writing on the Wall …
      Rating: 8.6/10 – ‎19 votes
      Mar 24, 1980 – Jim: I’m appalled. Humphrey: You’re appalled? I’m appalled. Jim: I – I just can’t believe it, I’m – I’m appalled! What do you make of it Bernard?
      Yes, Minister – Wikiquote,_Minister Yes, Minister and its sequel Yes, Prime Minister are British television shows that were broadcast between ….. Hacker: I never heard such appalling cynicism!
      ‘Yes, Minister’ unveils secrets of British foreign policy on …
      Video for yes minister appalling▶ 1:1

      Popular British comedy series ‘Yes, Minister’ unveils secrets of British foreign policy on Europe, … James …

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