Dershowitz’s lesson for Sydney UIA

February 26, 2018 by Hila Tsor
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NSW United Israel Appeal has hosted two separate evening functions in celebration of Israel’s 70th anniversary featuring  keynote and international guest speaker Alan Dershowitz.

Alan Dershowitz

Two thousand members from Sydney’s Jewish community filled the Darling Harbour Convention Centre at the 2018 General Division Gala Event in solidarity to celebrate Israel’s 70 years of achievement

Dershowitz addressed the audience passionately in his opening statement inspiring the community to never be ashamed of using their powers whether political, economical, academic or moral, in order to support Israel.

He added: “Peace for Israel, for the Jewish people, comes through strength, let nobody ever forget… If Palestinian terrorists and other Israel enemies ever lay down their arms there will be peace. But if Israel ever gave up its arms there will be genocide.”

Yair Miller, CEO of UIA NSW, engaged with Dershowitz in an interview-style Q+A following Dershowitz’s speech.

Outside the Convention Centre a group of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) protesters holding Palestinian flags and signs condemning Israel stood in the rain. Some protesters penetrated the inside of the event and shouted obscenities at Dershowitz, briefly disrupting the Q+A. Dershowitz was not intimidated by the confrontation.

Without faltering Dershowitz addressed the enemies of Israel directly. Dershowitz said: “I support your right to boo and to shout out.”

Dershowitz went on to give an anecdote of his experience in Berkeley University when he had allowed protesters into the audience and invited them to respectfully ask questions after he finished his presentation.

Dershowitz said: “The next day the Berkeley newspaper portrayed me as a spider stomping on Palestinian children… Ultimately, the university apologised and the newspaper apologised… They wanted to withdraw the cartoon [but] I said no. I want the world to see what the enemies of Israel are prepared to do and say… So I’m not afraid of you. I’m not afraid of your criticisms.”

Dershowitz’s statement to the protesters received cheers of support from the UIA audience.

The second event of the evening was hosted by the UIA Young Leadership Division and was held at the Oaks Marquee in Randwick Racecourse.

The event packed hundreds of Jewish young adults and featured a mix of New York and Israeli vibes. A New York Deli feel was created through the food that was served. The set-up and style of the tables packed with various sweets created a nostalgic ‘shuk’ inspired atmosphere, complete with Israeli music in the background for the community’s celebration.

Young adults were given the opportunity to socialise and network prior to the formal presentations of the evening.

In his address Dershowitz encouraged the young generation to become defenders of Israel, fight against defamation that occurs on university campuses with the truth and welcome debate.

Dershowitz said: “It is important that you all become emissaries. Women, people of colour, young men, gay people – people of every background. You have to become the ones who make the case for Israel on university campuses. We are counting on you.”



One Response to “Dershowitz’s lesson for Sydney UIA”
  1. David Wilson says:

    What a pity our leaders could not arrange for this great speaker to appear on one of our popular ,prime time TV interviews . Such as 7.30 with Leigh Sales .

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