Danby retains his seat with an increased majority

August 24, 2010 Agencies
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Michael Danby MP has retained his seat in Parliament with an increased majority.

Michael Danby

Preliminary results show a swing of 1.48%( 2PP) towards Labor. This result increases the margin to 8.6% (counting continues this week.)  After preferences were distributed,  Mr Danby received 58%.

His latest Liberal opponent ( the 5th in five elections), Mr Kevin Ekendahl received 41. 37% of the  2PP vote. This is a drop for the conservatives of  1.48 %  from the  42.85%  they received last election.

Mr Danby noted the Greens received 20% of the primary vote, their biggest in Melbourne Ports and that many were disaffected Labor voters who wanted a stronger stance from the Labor party on asylum seekers, a carbon reduction scheme and human rights.

“Many of the Greens political party members and even booth workers, explained to me on pre-poll, that they were pleased that I had raised these issues over the last 12 years in the national parliament. Whether it is in opposition or in government, I have always represented my constituents concerns, including on refugees , action on climate change and a strong voice in support of Israel and Jewish schools. Melbourne Ports is a rich and diverse community and I appreciate the confidence of the people in re-electing me as their representative.” Mr Danby said.

“Once again, the success of our local campaign was in no small way a tribute to the hard work and ongoing support of my ALP branch members and community campaign workers who really are true believers in building a better, fairer community.” Mr Danby said.

The campaign techniques of the Liberal party  were disappointing,  Mr Danby said, and included a fake website, and desperate last week photocopied ‘dear neighbour’ letters.

Mr Danby also acknowledged the large protest vote that went to the Greens Political party candidate, Sue Plowright.

“Sue Plowright received 21.1 % of the primary votes that mainly came back to us.  I, however, acknowledge the protest vote that went to the Greens.” Mr Danby said.

Michael Danby said he would continue to work with our local schools, childcare centres and hospitals to see federal support was spent most effectively.

“I express my gratitude to constituents for voting me in for the 5th time. They can expect me to remain a strong and sometimes maverick voice on issues that matter to them. “ Mr Danby concluded.


2 Responses to “Danby retains his seat with an increased majority”
  1. sally says:

    if that’s the real case of Danby why was he not given one earlier then..?

  2. Emes says:

    Mr Danby is long overdue for a ministerial portfolio – he is a valued and highly competent MP and could do wonders in a ministerial role. Julia take note!

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