Dadon quits Malthouse Theatre board

February 23, 2024 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Philanthropist Debbie Dadon has quit the board of Melbourne’s Malthouse Theatre following the theatre’s decision to allow the activist Clementine Ford to appear on the same night as a performance of Yentl.

Deborah Dadon

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3 Responses to “Dadon quits Malthouse Theatre board”
  1. liatjoy says:

    Good decision, Deborah. Sad for you in many ways, I’m sure, but necessary under the circumstances that prevail and that seem to be getting worse. An important weapon to wield. All art venues of all kinds need to stand back and see what they are doing in allowing hatred and antisemitism to be part of their offerings.

  2. Robyn Tsipris says:

    Clementine Ford is an antisemite and an ignoramus. Anyone who gives her a platform to spout her hateful ideas should be boycotted.

  3. mccaine70 says:

    It is totally shameful that such a person is alowed to breathe Australian air let alone bring her hate speech into a building that has the play Yental being performed. There maybe space for the two events but the hate mongers of Melbourne proved a few days ago that they will push, shove and prevent the peaceful enjoyment of the Melbourne night life of any Jewish person. The shameful Victorian Police can not be relied upon to keep the peace and order; they just seem to desire to arrest the victims and not the hateful brainless protestors.
    It is sad that Mrs Deborah Dadon feels the need to resign from her position; I am certain that it is and was difficult decision for her to make. May the blessings of God go with you Deborah. I am certain our Creator will bless you for your stand against such evil and hatred that our world is addicted to at present.

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