Cute as a button meet Jake Greenberg

October 14, 2010 by Odile Faludi - Maccabi NSW
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There is something definitely very cute about boys all in white. 8-yr-old Jake Greenberg could be mistaken for an angel. He is as sweet as honey. Maccabi News was lucky enough to catch up with him.

Jake Greenberg

Jake is hoping to be the next Michael Clarke, Australian cricket vice captain, and is following the Greenberg family tradition of playing cricket for Maccabi. His father Glen did and so has Jake’s four uncles and grandfathers and even great-grandfathers. The entire extended family are all part and parcel of Maccabi, across all sports but particuarly cricket. You could say they are a real cricketing mad family. Jake started at the tender age of six playing his first season in the Under 8’s. He is now such a good player he is playing up for the under 10s’ this year. Jake said, “I just love cricket, I love playing it and I love watching it. I always go to the SCG with my Dad and little brother to watch the Aussies play. Playing cricket for Maccabi is great fun, I love playing with my mates and playing the games on weekends is so much fun. This season will be even better as we are playing proper rules with the real ball and all the equipment. I can’t wait! Glen Greenberg was quick to add: “Cricket is a great sport for kids to play, it encourages them to be in a team sport, but it also builds their confidence as they have a chance to shine as individuals. Bowling and batting they are on their own but at all times have their team mates around them. It’s great to remember playing myself in the Maccabi Under 10s’ with my mates who are still my mates to this day, and now I get to coach my son doing exactly the same thing.”

Jake says – “We have three golden rules at Maccabi Cricket: Firstly Have fun, secondly, always try your best and thirdly, “line and length”.

Maccabi is always seeking players 9-15 years please contact Mick Vasin at for all details.

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