Councillor Peters and the Approved Motion

December 26, 2010 by J-Wire Staff
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Marrickville’s Councillor Cathy Peters has written to J-Wire with the precise motion which was passed at Council in connection with the planned Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. She assures us that our question relating to personal use of Israeli goods will be answered.

Councillor Peters writes:

My response to jwire’s questions was sent to the newsdesk on the 21st Dec, the same day I received the email containing questions about boycotting certain goods made in Israel. As you can read below this motion calls for a report into any links the Council may have with organisations or companies that support or profit from the Israeli military occupation of Palestine with a view to the council divesting from such links and imposing a boycott on any future such links or goods purchases.
Until Councillors receive this report, I am unable to comment on what goods in particular will be boycotted but when we are in receipt of this information, I will respond in more detail to your specific questions.

Below is the detail of the motion which was passed by 10 Councillors at Marrickville on Tuesday Dec 14th – 5 Greens / 4 Alp / 1 Independent.
What you have printed above is not the motion that was passed.

In particular recognition of its sister city relationship with Bethlehem and the strong support for this relationship from local progressive faith communities and other community members, Marrickville Council support the principles of the BDS global campaign and reports back on any links the Council has with organisations or companies that support or profit from the Israeli military occupation of Palestine with a view to the Council divesting from such links and imposing a boycott on any future such links or goods purchases.

Marrickville Council boycott all goods made in Israel and any sporting, institutional academic, government or institutional cultural exchanges.

Marrickville Council write to the local State and Federal ministers (Carmel Tebbutt and Anthony Albanese) informing them of Council’s position and seeking their support at the State and Federal level for the global BDS movement.


15 Responses to “Councillor Peters and the Approved Motion”
  1. Ralph G says:

    This could bring down Marrickvile council if they do not rescind this motion and distance themselves from it. It is incredible to me that Greens councillors should see fit to support such an idea. When knowledge of this spreads, the green vote will surely drop accordingly. I certainly will not vote Green if I find this policy is supported at a high level and not just by a few misguided racists from Marrickville.

  2. Lilith says:

    Rita I had an email from Vic Macri and he is very distressed at the turn of events and has offered any help he is able to give. I have his phone numer and email address

  3. Lilith says:

    Robyn, please where are the links of her being connnected to the abominable al Hilali?

  4. Rita says:

    @ Robyn Manoy: “Her connections to the known racist and Jew hater Hilaly is cause for much deeper concern to me.”

    Are you speaking of the Sheik Taj Din al-Hilaly former
    Mufti of Australia and Imam of the Lakemba mosque who had this to say about us?:

    “Those atheists, people of the book [Christians and
    Jews], where will they end up? In Surfers Paradise?
    On the Gold Coast? Where will they end up? In hell
    and not part-time, for eternity. They are the worst in
    God’s creation.” (sermon at the Lakemba Mosque October

    That mufti, who suggested that the young Australian girls who were pack-raped by muslim gangs had only themselves to blame, because they dressed in a way which made them “like meat to a cat”?

    That “Sheik” who shouted anti-semitic slogans from the steps of the Sydney Townhal during that so-called “Gaza-peace-boat” charade? And who was supported, loudly by his soul-sister, the Greens’ Lee Rhiannon, who will wield even more power to apply her Jew-Hatred, when the Greens gain the balance of power in the Senate come July?

  5. Charles says:

    Dear Councilor Peters ,
    You are a shining example of the Greens philosophy of sheer nothingness where the ranks are filled with missfits who are unable to produce one creative job .Your profile equates all the parameter to brand you a consumate anti-semite, you could not be one unless totally ignorant of the world at large and riddled by darker motives.

  6. Robyn Manoy says:

    Could Councillor Peters please specify exactly what concern any of this is to Marrickville Council. Surely she should be directing her efforts to rubbish collection and road conditions etc, which should be a matter of concern for her. Further, if she is not really a racist bigot, why does she not take the trouble to collect actual facts and information, beginning the FACT that “Palestine” is not an existing country. Her connections to the known racist and Jew hater Hilaly is cause for much deeper concern to me.

  7. Rita says:

    apparantley these two councillors voted against this anti-semitic, discriminatory action:

    Clr Victor Macri (Ind) This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ‘>

    Clr Morris Hanna (Ind) This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ‘>

  8. Rita says:

    I would like to give Cathy Peters and her co-horts in the Marrickville council the benefit of the doubt and think that she and they are acting out of sheer stupidity.

    But since she represents “The Greens” she is obviously sponsoring the agenda of the murderously anti-semitic Islamists. She might even be competing with her colleague in the Party, Lee Rhiannon, a federal Senator of the Greens, who recently stood on the steps of Sydney Townhall, shoulder to shoulder with Sheik Taj Din al-Hilaly Imam of the Lakemba mosque, stridently inciting hatred of Israel and the Jewish people. This blatant anti-semitism will probably do her no harm in her party-political ambitions.

  9. david singer says:

    Why is it taking so long for Councillor Peters to tell JWire what Israeli goods she shall personally boycott? Surely it must be every product made in Israel.

    Is she perhaps hedging her bets in case she gets sick or can’t live without her mobile phone or has to go into a building or fly on a plane protected by Israeli security systems?.

    C’mon Coucillor Peters are you fair dinkum or just seeking some cheap publicity? Lead the way and tell us immediately you will be personally boycotting all Israeli products and will notify all your constituents in Marrickville to do likewise.

  10. Richard says:

    If Ms Peters and her green compatriots are serious about boycotting all goods created in israel she can chuck her mobile phone in the trash, followed by her computer, followed by the countless life saving devices created in Israel and, with a bit of luck for the rest of this great State, she & her NSW Greens will find themselves there too.
    L’Chaim Ms Peters!

  11. The resolution refers to “organisations or companies that support or profit from the Israeli military occupation of Palestine” and suggests that these are the organisations or companies that the Council’s boycott is aimed at.

    Can Councillor Peters please specify precisely which territory ot territories she and/or Marrickville Council consider to be parts of “Palestine” which are under “Israeli military occupation”.

    In particular will Councillor Peters and Marrickville Council state clearly and honestly whether they consider the entire territory of the State of Israel to be parts of “Palestine” which are under “Israeli military occupation”.

    If they do NOT consider the entire territory of the State of Israel to be parts of “Palestine” which are under “Israeli military occupation”, why is their call for a boycott directed at “ALL (sic) goods made in Israel (sic) and ANY (sic) sporting, institutional academic, government or institutional cultural exchanges”, instead of being limited to goods produced in the West Bank or to sporting, academic, government or cultural organisations operating in the West Bank?

    Or is the real truth of the matter that this whole farce has nothing to do with “Israel’s military occupation” but is aimed at bringing about the end of Israel itself or, in the words of BDS leader Omar Barghouti (who is currently a student at Tel Aviv University) to establish “a Palestine next to a Palestine, rather than a Palestine next to an Israel”. See:

    If Councillor Peters honestly admits that the boycott proposal is aimed at bringing about the end of Israel itself, how does she reconcile this aim with international law and UN resolutions which, despite their animus against Israel, all affirm the sovereignty and political independence of the State of Israel and its right to exist as the State of the Jewish people within secure borders?

  12. Lynne Newington says:

    I have just finished re-reading Marek Halter’s The Book of Abraham.
    These and other plights are like a ruddy see-saw and never ending;
    Thanks to the Almighty, Blessed be He, you have been given a Spirit of both resilience and fortitude.

  13. Adam Subtractem says:

    Cr Peters – What a disgusting piece of pond scum you really must be. How revolting that you seemed compelled with such a riduculas notion of blatant hatred and anti semitism. Bringing that rubbish to Marrickville, Sydney, NSW and even lobbying the Fed Govt. We are all wanting peace and boycotting a tiny nation of geniuses, technologically, medically, environmentally, musically, military, agriculturally for some landless peasant scum like you, who have never offered the world anything. You are clearly siding with filth who blow up innocent children, aim rockets on purpose at kindergartens, attack innocent tourists and every day Israelis and tourists, all civilions. I suggest before you make such dreadful actions read your history starting with the Old and New Testements and finishing with David Kimache’s “The Last Option” esp chapter 26 Arafat: False prophet of Peace. Trully Horrified and Disgusted By you and your stinking Coucil!

  14. Lilith says:

    Please read what she says again, as it makes no sense to me !!

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