Colin Bickler 1934-2013

January 16, 2013 by Joel Levinsohn
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It is with much sadness that we announce the death of journalist Colin Bickler who passed away in London on the 12th of January.


Colin Bickler  1934-2013Pic: The Baron

Colin Bickler 1934-2013
Pic: The Baron

Colin Bickler  was born in Leeds on the 12th of March, 1934. migrating as a teenager with his parents to New Zealand.

In the late 40’s and early 50’s Colin became a force in the foundation of the Habonim Movement. He was one of the early graduates of the Youth Leadership Training  Institution, in Jerusalem and his presence at the Annual Conferences of the New Zealand Zionist Council will forever be recounted. Colin was not one for leaving empty handed and garnered much of the financial support for the Movement, to acquire premises, send Madrichim to Israel for training, to bring Shlichim to New Zealand and help sponsor the annual Junior and Senior, Summer Camps. His efforts were not in vain and the dividends are manifest in New Zealand’s relatively large contingent of youth who have made Aliyah over the years.

As a professional journalist, Colin gained International recognition, ultimately becoming a Fellow in International Journalism at City University London, where he lectured. Working as a journalist brought him into contact with some powerful world leaders. In the early 1970’s he joined the press entourage which followed Henry Kissenger’s shuttle of diplomacy in the Middle East He worked with Reuters for 28 years and during his tenure was bureau chief in Tel Aviv. In 2004  he was lead editor of the Journalism Handbook for the Institute of War and Peace Reporting. Colin helped found the International News Safety Institute and was a former committee member of the London Branch of Reporters Sans Frontiers. Other appointments included membership of the Communication Information Committee of the UK National Commission of UNESCO and the Human Rights Consultative Committee of the UK Foreign Office.

Prominent journalists and collegues from all over the world, have expressed, what they see as an immense vacuum that has been created with Colin’s passing.

Colin is survived by his wife, Shirley and his 3 children and their families to whom we send our heartfelt condolences.


2 Responses to “Colin Bickler 1934-2013”
  1. John Sanders says:

    I very much regret the passing of Colin Bickler . I considered Colin Bickler to be a friend although I lost touch with him after he emigrated to the UK from New Zealand. I will forever remember his unforgettable performances in University of Auckland theatre productions in leading roles in Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme for the Unievrsity of Auckland French Department and in Ben Jonson’s The Alchemist for Sydney Musgrove in The English Department..Of course I knew him after he returned to New Zealand after the shaliach training program for Habonim in Auckland and was impressed with his lack of afdfectation and hauteur which was so much the mark of the other apprentice chalutzim in Auckland.

  2. Selwyn says:

    Thank you Joel. My deepest sympathy to the family of Colin Bickler who was a close friend in my Habonim days.

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