Chanukah in the ACT parliament

December 13, 2017 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Members of the ACT government shared Chanukah celebrations with local Chabad Rabbi Shmueli Feldman and Rebbetzin Chasia.

R-L: Alistair Coe MLA, Candice Burch MLA, Andrew Wall MLA, Elizabeth Lee MLA, Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Mick Gentleman MLA, Suzanne Orr MLA, Chris Steel MLA and Shane Rattenbury MLA. Sitting from right are Nicole Lawder MLA, Rebbetzin Chasia Feldman, Rabbi Shmueli Feldman and Rabbi Eli Feldman. Photo: Andrew Taylor

They were joined in Canberra by the rabbi’s brother Rabbi Eli Feldman from Sydney.

Attendees included the majority of ACT MLA’s from all sides of politics and Ambassadors and Diplomats from Israel, Russia, Poland, Belgium, Argentina, Hungary and Romania . Also joining the Jewish community at the celebration were leaders from most of Canberra’s faith and large community groups.

The Ambassador of Israel to Australia Mark Sofer brought greetings from the place of the Chanukah miracle, Jerusalem, and delighted the guests with relevant insights into the festival.

Ms Rachel Stephen-Smith MLA, Minister for Multicultural Affairs, read the letter sent by Federal Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and remarked that the Chanukah event is one of the leading gatherings of faith and Multicultural communities on Canberra’s calendar.

Mr Alistair Coe MLA, Leader of the Opposition, spoke of the importance of faith and religion, read the letter sent by the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and thanked the Feldmans and Chabad ACT for all the good they bring to Canberra.

Chanukah menorah kits with candles, chocolate Chanukah gelt coins, dreidels and guides for the festival were gifted to the guests upon exiting.

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