Challah Bake: Take Two

October 23, 2015 by J-Wire Staff
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Sydney’s The Shabbat Project has hosted two more Challah bakes…one at Kesser Torah College and the other at Moriah College…and a Shabbat Project visit to the Israeli Embassy.








Rabbi Shmueli Feldman, Chaya Mushka Feldman and Ambassador Shmuel Ben Shmuel.

In preparation for Shabbat Project 2015/5776  Chabad ACT’s Rabbi Shmueli Feldman brought challahs and wine to the Ambassador of Israel, Shmuel Ben Shmuel.

Sweets from Israel for Shabbat were presented to all the embassy staff from Canberra’s Kosher shop under the auspices of Chabad.

The Ambassador took the opportunity to join in Chabad’s global Tefillin campaign which has increased with renewed enthusiasm since the security situation in The Holy Land recently deteriorated. This week in Canberra, many Jews donned Tefilin especially to pray for our brethren in Israel. Australian Jewish Parliamentarian Mr Michael Danby MP also joined the Tefilin campaign from his office in The Australian Parliament House.

The Ambassador commented that “currently on the diplomatic side we have had very difficult and trying times. It is important to remember that the constant challenge for Israel’s existence is not just dependant on a strong army and diplomatic front but the spiritual weapons such as the Tefillin and Shabbat are instrumental in ensuring the success and continuity of the Jewish people for generations to come.”

The ambassador took the opportunity to wish on behalf of Israel to Chabad Lubavitch and the entire Jewish community in Australia success in all the activities being coordinated around the country for this special Shabbat.

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