Chag Sameach from the Prime Minister

April 14, 2014 by  
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Tony Abbott, the Prime Minister of Australia sends a Pesach message to J-Wire readers….

Prime Minister Tony Abbott

Prime Minister Tony Abbott

The epic story of the liberation of the Jewish people continues to inspire and unite Jewish communities around the world.

The story of the Exodus has been passed down through centuries of tradition and articulates some of the deepest needs of humanity: to be free, to have your own identity and to determine your own destiny.

It is a story that continues to resonate for Jews and non-Jews alike.

For the Jewish community, this moment in history is an opportunity to come together with family and friends, to pray, worship and reflect.

At this special time, we acknowledge the extraordinary contribution made to our nation by the Jewish community.

The industry, ingenuity, entrepreneurialism and community spirit exemplified by people of Jewish heritage has contributed much to Australia.

I send my best wishes to everyone celebrating Passover in Australia and around the world.

May you have a joyous Passover.

The Hon Tony Abbott MP

Prime Minister of Australia

April 2014

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