Chabad welcomes the Trugmans to Melbourne

May 25, 2009 by Rabbi Chaim Herzog
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Rabbi Avraham Arieh and Rachel Trugman have been involved in Jewish education for thirty years. They were a founding family of Moshav Meor Modiim in 1976. Rabbi Trugman went on to become Director at the Moshav of the Center of Jewish Education, which successfully ran programs for over 5,000 participants a year from over 25 countries.

In 1988 the Trugmans became  Regional Directors of NCSY in Denver, Colorado where they created a new region. They returned to Israel in 1995  as directors of Ohr Chadash: New Horizons in Jewish Experience, which runs programs for English speaking students at major universities and other short and long term programs, as well as for immigrants and native Israelis. Over the last ten years 15,000 people have participated in these programs. Since 2001 Ohr Chadash has run and been involved in programs in 30 North American cities.

Rabbi Avraham and Rachel Trugman were devoted students of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and have incorporated his teachings and spirit into all their efforts. Rabbi Trugman has published poems and articles in a wide variety of publications, as well as assisted in writing two major books with Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh – The Hebrew Letters and Awakening the Spark Within: Five Dynamics of Leadership That Can Change the World. Rabbi Trugman’s books, Seeds and Sparks: Inspiration and Self- expression through the Cycles of Jewish Life, The Mystical Power of Music and The Mystical meaning of Dreams were published by Targum Press. His new books, The Mystical Meaning of Light and Return Again: the Dynamics of Reincarnation were published in 2008 by Devorah Press.

Rachel Trugman, along with being an educator, is also a family therapist with a private practice and an artist who has published a coloring book and poetry called Tales of the Talmud.

They will be in  Melbourne from 9 June 2009 to 1 July 2009

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