Breaking the Silence takes Richard Gere to Hebron

March 28, 2017 by  
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Israeli NGO Breaking the Silence have escorted actor superstar Richard Gere to Hebron…and Israel’s Channel Two filmed the visit.

Richard Gere, who told the Miami New Times that he is an honorary Jew  because he lives in New York told Ynet: “The occupation must end. The occupation is ruining everyone on both sides. A bi-national state won’t solve anything, and it will only turn Israel into an apartheid state. There needs to be two states for two peoples, with Jerusalem as the capital of both nations.

In his comments, BTS published that Gere also referred to the issue of settlements, saying, “Why do you need all these provocations? How is it that the settlers are running the government? And how could it be that Israel, of all nations, controls another nation? Many Israelis that I know say the state has lost its way and I think that every Israeli knows that.”


3 Responses to “Breaking the Silence takes Richard Gere to Hebron”
  1. Liat Kirby-Nagar says:

    Richard Gere is seeking out the people and situations in Israel that will confirm for him his own preconceived notions. I really do object to the way he takes it upon himself to pronounce so definitively what MUST HAPPEN in relation to Israel and the Palestinians. And to say that ‘every Israeli knows that’ in relation to Israel ‘controlling’ another nation. What absolute balderdash. He’s so loose with his tongue and so absolute with his language.

    And I’ll bet there are many Israelis who are flattered by his presence because he’s an American actor and a celebrity, because, unfortunately, there’s a lot of interest in celebrities in Israel. His ego will have been stroked.

    I didn’t know about his Tibet interest. It seems he takes it upon himself to be the world’s moral compass, but doesn’t bother to check his facts. Let him stick to acting.

    • Marta Mikey Frid says:

      How about holding Breaking the Silence guilty for this provocation? The do gooders don’t know what more to do to vindicate an ideology they absorbed when they they were teenagers… we have all been there, done that. So, it’s only Israel who is the aggressor? Is it only Israel who does not want any concessions, no compromise, no negotiations? Is it only Israel that considers compromise a blasphemy?

  2. david singer says:

    Richard Gere must have lapped up all the media attention during his visit to Israel and especially Hebron. He has little conception of the Jewish-Arab conflict extending over the last 100 years and the refusal of the Arabs to accept any entitlement of the Jews to have their own State despite the decisions of the League of Nations and the United Nations.

    Wonder if Breaking the Silence told him of the 1929 massacre of the Jewish community in Hebron and why Jews have every legal right to settle in Hebron under article 6 of the Mandate for Palestine.

    The publicity he has received must however seem to him a welcome relief masking any questions from the media concerning his failure to achieve anything in Tibet for the last 35 years.

    Since the early 1980’s, Mr. Gere has vigorously advocated for human rights of the Tibetan people and the preservation of Tibetan culture. Gere was the Co-Founder and Chairman of Tibet House US in 1987 and joined the Board of Directors at the International Campaign for Tibet in 1992 in order to more effectively address national and international forums of influence. He has served as its Board Chairman since 1995 where Gere has addressed the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, the US House of Representatives, European Parliament, and the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva. He has also co-sponsored five historic visits to the United States by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

    He should go back to America and take note that the Congress voted 502 votes to 12 in 2004 confirming that Israel must be recognised as the Jewish State by the PLO and that Israel could not be expected to withdraw to the 1949 armistice lines in any peace agreement.

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