For the body as well as the soul: Yom Limmud Sydney 2016

June 29, 2016 by Paula Towers
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Caring for your body as well as your brain, Yom Limmud Sydney will cover all the bases this year.

Waiting for a massage

Waiting for a massage

Though most people think of Limmud as intense intellectual stimulation –  learning new things, challenging beliefs and studying all things Jewish – its program offers more than just cerebral exercise. As well as socialising, lots of other fun experiences are happening outside the individual sessions.

To ensure all senses are catered for – free facial products, make-up samples and health supplements will be offered to participants. Free five-minute mini massages will be given by a qualified physio as well as free consultations.

Want to express your creative side? Take a break and get involved in the latest fashion – colouring-in for grown-ups.  Doodle and colour away on a Yom Limmud Sydney artwork especially designed by Golda Brenner.  You’ll also have the opportunity to purchase her unique Kabbalistic colouring-in book.

Can’t get to all the sessions? There will be three running at any one time. Not to worry. There is going to be a giant mural with an opportunity for people to write comments about the various sessions they attend, so you can see all the highlights.

For those who haven’t attended Limmud before, it can be a little overwhelming. This year’s volunteer participant experience team has put a lot of thought into getting people talking to each other. As well as name tags everyone will receive a sticker that says “Talk to me about ….”and they can fill in the topic: ‘How many times I have been to Israel’, ‘Why I voted for the X party’, ‘How many kids I have’, or whatever else you feel like chatting about. The idea is that it makes it easier to strike up a conversation with someone you don’t know. Part of the beauty of Limmud is that it attracts a multi-generational, cross communal demographic. Harnessing that beauty is making sure that people get an opportunity to take advantage of that and meet people outside of their usual circles.

Yom-Limmud-Jwire-3-pic2In terms of your stomach, there will be lots on offer too. Tickets includes delicious options to delight foodies as well as those with a general gastronomic interest including kosher grilled Atlantic salmon with a fresh herb glaze, quinoa with cranberries and fresh herbs, and Thai noodle salad with edamame beans.

Your coffee needs will be taken care of by a professional barista where hot drinks can be purchased.

Instant tea and coffee will also be available free throughout the day.

Absolute Organics has donated some amazing looking chocolates which are kosher, gluten-free, dairy free, organic, fair trade and from Peru. There will also be cake available courtesy of Grandma Moses. This is in addition to fruit which will be provided throughout the day.

All these great choices making you tired?  Relax and chill out on the comfy bean bags upstairs.

So grab the opportunity to catch up with old friends or meet new ones – join the Yom Limmud Sydney buzz this Sunday July 3 – for your body’s sake as well as your brain!

Yom Limmud will take place this Sunday, July 3.  Click here for more details

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