Bob Carr: A reader’s thoughts

April 11, 2014 by  
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I don’t think that the self opinionated, arrogant Bob Carr should get away without a suitable reply both to his appearance on the 7.30 program on the ABC last night as well as his chapter about the “ IsraeliLobby “ also called ( by him ) the” Falafel Lobby”, in his book.It is interesting to note that he makes a huge reference to the “illegal” building of settlements with the

usual and intentional opinion that ALL settlements are illegal. He obviously ignores the fact that only a small percentage are , in want of a better name  , “illegal” according to the usual suspects.

He quite intentionally refers at times to the Jewish Lobby as well as the Israeli Lobby , showing that he is not only against Israel but against  the Jews as well. The Daily Telegraph’s headline “ First Class Tosser :” fits that self indulgent ex labor premier / foreign minister, with a questionably successful reputation , to a tee.

For a person with opposing views to Mr Carr to also appear on the ABC,s 7.30 report is too much to hope for, bearing in mind the past attitude of the ABC. However, if such an interview could be arranged

with a commercial station it would certainly present another, more favourable view.

Failing this a reasonably large article in a widely circulated newspaper ( The Daily Telegraph, The Australian )  would be a suitable alternative.

Harry Rich



2 Responses to “Bob Carr: A reader’s thoughts”
  1. Bob Carr might be a Prima Donna, but he is not anti-Semitic.

    I have been to his talks about his previous book and he spoke with great sensitivity and affection about some of the Jewish writers and their influence on him.

    I don’t know much about the work of the Israeli lobby.
    Many Jews in Australia can see that Israel keeps building in the West Bank while talking peace and are worried about its future.

    And please spare us from the Daily Telegraph commentary.

  2. George Freuden says:

    What makes my blood boil is that in his heyday Carr was much loved and supported by the so-called falafel lobby, and the Jewish community at large. I am a victim, and – finally – escapee of Communism, and when I arrived in Australia I was astonished to find most Jews and Jewish institutions staunch supporters of “socialist” Labor. Labor was never truly on the side of the Jews or Israel, except when it suited their politics

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