B’nai B’rith slams UN Palestinian ambassador for comparing Israel to Nazi Germany

April 30, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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Australia’s B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) has denounced United Nations Palestinian Ambassador Riyad Mansour for comparing the Jewish state to Nazi Germany.

The comments were made during a press conference in which Mansour said, “All colonisers, all occupiers, including those who suppressed the Warsaw [Ghetto] uprising, labeled those who were resisting them as terrorists.”

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chair of The ADC, issued the following statement:

Dvir Abramovich

Dvir Abramovich

“This rhetoric of incitement against Israel and the Jewish people, and Mansour’s cynical distortion of history, do not belong in the U.N. which was established to defeat the evil of Nazism.

A week before we, and the U.N will pause to commemorate Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day), Mansour’s outrageous comparison offends and insults the victims of Hitler’s demonic regime, the survivors and their families, and all those who fought and resisted the Third Reich.

We wholeheartedly agree with the words of Israeli United Nations Ambassador Danny Danon that, ‘any equalization between the Nazis and Israeli democracy is despicable and is worthy of denunciation from the international community.’

We call on U.N Secretary Ban Ki-moon to condemn Mansour’s hateful comments as not only demeaning and abhorrent, but  also as undermining the respectability and authority of the UN. We also urge all governments, including the Australian government, to reject this extremist and incendiary anti-Israel invective. ”


One Response to “B’nai B’rith slams UN Palestinian ambassador for comparing Israel to Nazi Germany”
  1. Ron Burdo says:

    Slamming the Palestinuan ambassador… what about all the Israeli journalists and academics who do the same?

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