Bishop: No UN abstentions if Liberals gain power

July 28, 2010 by Henry Benjamin
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Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Shadow Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has reaffirmed the Liberal Party’s commitment to Israel and to the Australian Jewish community.

John Searle, Julie Bishop, Ruth Gilmour and Dr Danny Lamm

Ms Bishop was hosted in Melbourne last week by the The Jewish Community Council of Victoria and the Zionist Council of Victoria at the Beth Weizmann Community  Centre.

Dr Danny Lamm and Julie Bishop

The Deputy Leader told the meeting that if the Liberal Party was elected to office, she would want to visit Israel within the first term. She said that a Liberal government would vote against anti-Israel motions in the UN and would not abstain.

Ms Bishop said a preference arrangement between the Labour Party and The Greens would not bode well for Israel.

Following the public address, the Deputy leader had a private meeting with JCCV president John Searle and ZCV president Dr Danny Lamm.

Lamm said: “The community got the opportunity to raise issues and ask questions of one of the most influential and key political figures in Australia. Ms Bishop demonstrated a firm commitment to Israel and sensitivity to the issues facing our community.”

He added that other politicians would be welcomed to address the community.

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