Bid to become Maccabi Man

July 28, 2013 by  
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Not even a year since he took up competitive triathlon, Adriel Young leaves Israel with two gold medals and is within striking distance of claiming the inaugural Maccabi Man – the prize for the most elite Maccabean athlete in the world.

Adriel Young   Pic: Anne Besser

Adriel Young Pic: Anne Besser

Young claimed gold in the 19th Maccabiah 25-29 and open category in Tiberias on Friday morning, and goes into Sunday’s ocean swim in a duel with an Israeli in a bid to come out on top overall in the Maccabi Man, which combines results in the triathlon, cycling (Adriel won bronze in the teams’ event), half marathon and the ocean swim.

The conditions were so tough this morning that those who were still going at 9am were hauled off the course because of extreme heat – not that it bothered Adriel!

“I pulled up pretty well, I was really sore before the race actually,” Adriel said.

“The day before I could hardly walk from the half marathon; this morning was bad, but I just had to do some exercise!

“It was tough conditions, really hot … A lot of people struggled in the conditions.

“I had a good race, it panned out well. I was hunted down in last few kilometres but I kicked into gear and had a good race.”

In those words it doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a crazy achievement by Adriel, whose next major challenge is the Hawaii Ironman in October, an event he qualified for after just three competitive triathlons.

“I did my first triathlon in October, less than a year ago; so it was pretty nice to come away with the first bronze of the Games at the cycling and then to get two golds with a chance of another one coming up is fantastic,” Adriel said.

He’s loved his time in Israel, but is still fully focused on getting the job done on Sunday in the Kinneret.

“So far (my time in Israel has) been awesome, I’ve had a great time and my time with the cyclists been awesome.

“But the job is not done yet.

“(The Maccabi Man) has been a real challenge, (especially) with the recovery.

“It’s a great concept, I hope it makes it to the next Games well.”

Adriel, who you might recognise from the “Bondi Rescue” television series back home, heads back home for a 10-week block of training ahead of Ironman challenge in October.

Congratulations Adriel – and go get ‘em on Sunday.

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