Award Winning Israeli Singer performing in Marrickville

June 15, 2011 by J-Wire Staff
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Efrat Goshhas won the World Music Cabaret Award as Artist of the Decade…and tonight she will perform in the heart of Marrickville whose municipal council recently attempted to boycott Israeli artists.

Efrat Gosh

Owner of popular World Music venue Camelot Yaron Hallis told J-Wire: “Booking Efrat does not contain one iota of a political message. I am not interested in that…only in the music itself and she is a fabulous performer as is Emma Hamilton who shares the bill with her tonight. Emma is Australian of French background.”

Hallis told J-Wire that Camelot had recently featured a program of Islamic devotional music.  He added: “If we had an opportunity to feature a fabulous Palestinian singer we would. It’s nothing to do with race, creed or colour….it’s all to do with World Music and that is all I am concerned about.”

Gosh write songs, composes and acts as well as performing. The 24-yr-old was named Israeli Singer of the Year for 2011 and tonight’s performance will mark her only appearance in Sydney.

Emma Hamilton will perform her own inimitable style French jazz-pop songs which have earned her a recording contract with the ABC.

Listen to her music.

Book for tonight


3 Responses to “Award Winning Israeli Singer performing in Marrickville”
  1. Michael G says:

    I was one of the fortunate people to attend Efrat’s performance in Marrickville last night and all I have to say is WOAH, WOAH, WOAH!

    This girl was just awesome. Beautiful singer and amazing performer, she held the crowd captivated throughout.

    And this is just a smal taste of what Israel is all about! And how dynamic and talented its music and cultural scene really is.

    Marrickville Council and all you BDS supporters – this is the ultimate resposne to your foolish, short sighted and bigotted attempt to boycott Israel.

  2. Michael G says:

    How nice of you Vivenne to pass on some of your moral judgement. Now, shouldn’t you be boarding some terrorist flotilla about now?

  3. ViviennePorzsolt says:

    Shalom! just a comment: contrary to a widespread misunderstanding, BDS does not apply to individual artists or performers as such, only to those which have some kind of institutional backing by organisations which support the occupation and other violations of international law. So if Ms Gosshas is not sponsored by Israeli state funding or similar, she will not be boycotted. It is a condition of receiving state funding that recipients may not criticise Israeli government policy.

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