Australian Senate hears about “pay for slay”

September 7, 2022 by J-Wire
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NSW Senator Hollie Hughes has addressed the federal parliament describing her visit to Ramallah, seat of the Palestinian administration and what shocked her.

Senator Hughes told the Senae: “Last week I was fortunate enough to be in Israel, hosted by the wonderful organisation known as AIJAC. We spent time both in Jerusalem and in Tel Aviv, but what was potentially one of the most eye-opening parts of the trip that we did was a visit to Ramallah. Whilst in Ramallah, we met with the Palestinian prime minister and were given a tour through what is referred to as a refugee camp but is a settlement; these are permanent buildings. Perhaps one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen was pointed out by our Palestinian guide; to quote her, this monument we were looking at was to commemorate ‘the suicide bombers who had killed Jewish civilians’. These people were being immortalised in monuments in this centre in Ramallah.

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I spoke to the Prime Minister of Palestine from the PA in his office about this and asked how, by immortalising these people, by not even adhering to the basic principles of the rule of war, by actively killing civilians, they could ever expect a conversation. But the fact is that the Palestinians have a policy that is colloquially known—in fact, I think it’s even a bit more formal than that—as ‘pay for slay’. If you kill a Jewish civilian and get sent to jail, you receive circa 12,000 shekels per month. That is three to four times what the average teacher gets paid. If you happen to be killed, your family receives this money. This money comes from the international community. It is a disgrace. And this is backed by the ABC, hence the removal of Fouad AbuGhosh’s Twitter account.”


6 Responses to “Australian Senate hears about “pay for slay””
  1. Liat Kirby says:

    Maybe nothing new here, but to the ears of the general Australian public, or indeed the Senate, the situation and details of it are necessary for fuller understanding. Good on you Hollie Hughes for trying to draw attention to it. Let’s hope most will be more interested than the male senator seated behind you, so busily working from his papers and his phone. He couldn’t care less.

  2. william h rocheblave says:

    what do you expect from jew hating people, how in the world could you say there was no holocaust. I’m American i learned about that when i was growing up. And was on the tv.

  3. Monty Pogoda says:

    Imagine – kill a Jewish child and get a salary for the rest of your life. It is a very sick world that supports murderers.

  4. CHARLES friedler says:


  5. michael Burd says:

    Nothing New here AJA [ Australian jewish Association ] have been lobbying the Gov’t over this issue for years .

    • Lynne Newington says:

      Good for you Michael Burd…….when it comes to “nasties” all appear to go so far and no more.

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