Australian neo-Nazis plaster posters at Melbourne schools
The Jewish Community Council of Victoria (JCCV) has strongly condemned the vile racist and antisemitic posters plastered across two of Melbourne’s leading schools.
JCCV President Jennifer Huppert stated, “I am appalled. This form of hatred on our doorsteps, on the doorsteps of our schools is terrifying and is a direct attack on Victoria’s prized Multiculturalism.”
“To direct this at children is even more reprehensible.”
“Unfortunately, domestic neo-Nazis and white supremacists appear to be emboldened by events overseas, and we must stop this hate speech in its tracks.”
“History shows that hate speech can lead to hate-filled physical attacks, as we have seen very recently in Charlottesville.”
Media reports the posters were plastered on sites in Melbourne Grammar and Melbourne High schools by the Antipodean Resistance Group.