Australian M-E expert to talk in St Ives

April 4, 2011 Agencies
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One of Australia’s leading Middle East experts will analyse the current turmoil in the Arab world at a special community briefing in St Ives next week.

Peter Khalil

The presentation will be delivered by Dr Peter Khalil, who has testified before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee and published widely including in the New York Times, Guardian, Australian and Sydney Morning Herald, and makes regular appearances on CNN, ABC and BBC.

He will be joined for Q & A by NSW Jewish Board of Deputies president Yair Miller and CEO Vic Alhadeff.

Prior to joining Hawker Britton, he worked as Foreign Policy/National Security adviser and Senior International Adviser to the Federal Government. He also currently holds the position of an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Centre for International Security Studies at the University of Sydney, where he develops national security courses for senior levels of Government.

He was formerly based in New York, providing political risk consultancy to government, multinational corporations and Wall St Financial institutions.

Dr Khalil was a Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington DC after working in both the Departments of Defence and Foreign Affairs. He was Director of National Security Policy for the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq and was awarded the Australian Overseas Humanitarian Services medal for his service.

He has a Masters of International Laws from the Australian National University and a Bachelors of Law and Arts from Melbourne University.

The event will be held in the Teperson Hall, Kehillat Masada, on Thursday April 14 at 8:00pm.


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