Australia concerned about settlements
Australia has expressed concern about new settlements planned by Israel.

Julie Bishop
A spokesperson for Foreign Minister Julie Bishop told J-Wire: “The Australian Government is concerned about the significant recent settlement announcement in the West Bank.
We continue to call on both sides to avoid unilateral actions that diminish the prospects of a negotiated two-state solution.”
Earlier this week, Israel has announced it would 2,500 homes in the West Bank shortly after on 500 new homes in East Jerusalem.
President of the Zionist Federation of Australia Dr Danny Lamm said: “The primary reason there is no peace is that the other side does not want peace, as demonstrated by their incitement to violence and their terrorism”.
It’s time for hypocritical politicians to stay out of the internal affairs of another soverein democracy , namely Israel.
There is another country involved here, Palestine, or had you forgotten?
Bla Bla Bla from yet another spokes person for the Australian Government that hasn’t got a clue.