Austen Tayshus to run against Tony Abbott

July 12, 2010 by J-Wire
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Sandy Gutman is a name which means nothing to the good people of Warringah or its federal member Tony Abbott.

Austen Tayshus

But the man who would be Prime Minister may raise an eyebrow when Gutman’s alter ego Austen Tayshus takes him on in contesting the seat in the upcoming Federal election…as a candidate for the Sex Party.

Austen Tayshus told J-Wire: “I was approached by the Sex Party which stands for constitutional reform and so do I…after all, I am a satirist. So if Abbott goes door knocking in his budgie smugglers, then I may have to do the gig naked.”

Watch this space as J-Wire follows Tayshus on the campaign trail…..


One Response to “Austen Tayshus to run against Tony Abbott”
  1. Yittah Lawrence says:

    I have met Sandy Gutman a couple of times through the years, he is such a clever man, one can not think he does not know what he is doing or saying, and he is obviously in this for a bit of a lark so to speak.

    Good publicity for him I guess, but he has missed a golden opportunity to do something really good with his life, for the residents of his electorate, and Judaism, and perhaps for himself in all sorts of ways.

    Golden opportunities, dont come every day, and when one is handed to one with such intelligence, there is usually a bigger reason. Might not only be about short lived publicity.

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