Austen Tayshus releases “Australiana” on iTunes

September 22, 2010 by J-Wire Staff
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Written in 1983 at a time when Aussies thought greenhouse gases were caused by beer and snags eaten in a garden shed, Australiana, the biggest selling Aussie single ever is now on the cybershelf.

The original cover

If you get a ruddy complexion from being pissed to the gillards and no-ones knows what you’re talking abbott…then you will understand why this play on words katters to all members of the aussie public…..

Let Australiana take you on a wild ride through Australian culture..a ride you will have to take at least six times to pick up every one of Austen Tayush’s clever play on Aussie words and icons….

The masterchef of comedy minces everything except his words….

Download from iTunes and upload a good laugh…

Track Name: Australiana  Performer: Austen Tayshus

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