Aussie Jewish Bikies in Holocaust ride

May 15, 2009 by J-Wire
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Aussie Jewish bikies will join more than 200 other two-wheeled members of the faith on a ride today from Savannah, Georgia to Charleston, South Carolina and back…to fund a Holocaust library.

The Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance has previously organised rides benefiting Magen David Adom and the U.S. National Holocaust Endowment Fund.

Joining the 200 riders are Melbourne Yids on Wheels members David Haleprin from Frankston and Caulfield-based Sam Blumenstein. Halperin is a project engineer and Blumenstein head an engineering company which build engines for racing cars.

A spokesman for Savannah’s Jewish Educational Alliance said “This is a unique combination of people joining their passions – motorcycling with Holocaust remembrance. It is a reminder that we must do what we can to learn from the past so the horrors of the Holocaust never happen again.”

Israeli and Canadian riders will also take part in the ride.

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