At each side of the court

June 7, 2022 by Henry Benjamin
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For the first time, Australia is being served by Jewish Attorneys General both in the governing Labor Party and in the Opposition Liberal Party.

Mark Dreyfus being sworn in by Governor-General David Hurley with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at right

Mark Dreyfus was the Attorney General in the Labor Government in 2013 and became the Shadow Attorney General when the Liberals came to power in the same year.

Dreyfus resumed his former position following the Labor victory in the elections held last month.
New Liberal leader Peter Dutton has appointed Julian Leeser Shadow Attorney General and Shadow Minister for Indigenous Australians.
Julian Leeser entered parliament in 2016 winning the seat of Berowra previously held by the retiring Philip Ruddock.

Julian Leeser and Peter Dutton

Mark Dreyfus told J-Wire: “I congratulate Julian on his appointment. It’s a big promotion and I look forward to working with him. I’m especially pleased at Julian’s support for reconciliation and I very much hope we can work together to make the Voice to Parliament a reality.
Julian Leeser added: “I want to congratulate Mark Dreyfus on his appointment. We have worked together on the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security for a number of years including on the listing of Hamas and Hizballah and I look forward to working with him in this new role.”
Peter Wertheim, co-CEO of The Executive Council of Australian Jewry said: “We wish a hearty mazel tov to Mark Dreyfus and Julian Leeser on their appointments as Federal Attorney General and Shadow Attorney General respectively.
Both of them are gifted lawyers, hard-working and moderate in outlook.  It is the first time that two people who identify proudly as Jewish have held these positions simultaneously.  But there is a further significance beyond the Jewish community.

Australia now has a historic opportunity to establish a national consensus in favour of a First Nations voice to parliament, to which both of them are committed.”

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