Antisemitic incidents top 2000

December 2, 2024 by Henry Benjamin
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It took only two days for the ugly repercussions of the October 7 Hamas invasion of Israel to make themselves known not only in Sydney but throughout Australia and worldwide.

Julie Nathan

The chants of F*#!k the Jews unleashed a staggering 316% increase of antisemitic incidents throughout the data period of October 1 to September 30, 2024

The number of physical assaults grew almost 500%. A worrying statistic.

The latest report was prepared by The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s Julie Nathan and was presented at the ECAJ national conference in Melbourne.

Nathan said: “If anything, the raw numbers understate the seriousness of the surge in antisemitism that has occurred. There have been many new forms and expressions of anti-Jewish racism that would once have been considered alien to Australia, but which have become commonplace.

There were anti-Israel protests outside synagogues and Jewish schools, convoys of vehicles driving though suburbs with a high proportion of Jewish residents, anti-Israel activists targeting small businesses owned by Jewish families, residential homes being targeted with hate graffiti and stickers, and a huge increase in physical assaults against Jews and verbal abuse on the streets.

With a few honourable exceptions, the response from political and community leaders, university executives and civil society has been tepid at best. The result has been a ratcheting up of antisemitism from hateful words to steadily more serious hateful actions.”



In her report, Julie Nathan states the incidents logged were supplied by volunteer Community Security Groups (CSGs), official Jewish state roof bodies, and the ECAJ.

However, J-Wire understands that other incidents were reported elsewhere to an organisation unwilling to share its data.

The ECAJ has published many examples of the incidents which have plagued Australia’s Jewish community.

The report can be found at

Allegra Spender, Independent MP for Wentworth, tweeted: “The past 12 months have been some of the most difficult for my community who are facing unacceptable discrimination they never thought possible here.

Our country is a place where people should be welcome regardless of their religion, ethnicity, sexuality, gender or beliefs.

We need to strengthen the laws, ensure they are being enforced, but most importantly, stand up and clearly say enough is enough.

Antisemitism, and frankly any sort of racial or religious vilification is not Australian, and not welcome here.




One Response to “Antisemitic incidents top 2000”
  1. lawyersonia says:

    This article highlights a concerning rise in antisemitic incidents, presenting critical insights and urging proactive responses. Its detailed reporting and emphasis on community action are vital for fostering awareness and addressing these challenges.

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