Another Labor candidate disendorsed

April 30, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Another Labor candidate for the upcoming election has been dropped by the party for an antisemitic comment.

Wayne Kurnoth

Northern Territory candidate Wayne Kurnoth has been reported had been peddling conspiracy theories about the Rothschild banking family controlling the world according to AAP.

The Australian reported that he shared an antisemitic conspiracy theory that claims the world is being run by a secret society of Jewish shape-shifting lizards.

ALP leader Bill Shorten told media: “I don’t think he should be our candidate any more and I understand that it is in train for him to step down.”

Chair of the Anti-Defamation Commission Dvir Abramovich commented: “We commend the ALP For taking a decisive stand on this issue and for making it crystal clear that there is no place in Australian politics for

The vile posts shared by Mr Kurnoth were deeply offensive, and this decision sends the unmistakable message that this kind of rhetoric does not reflect the values of the party or the Australian people. As we have
said repeatedly, at a time of an increase in deadly violence against Jews around the world, words of hate and incitement matter, and it was deeply troubling that a candidate running for elected office chose to peddle age-old antisemitic conspiracy theories which posit that a cabal of Jews, led by members of the Rothschild family, have been secretly manipulating global events for their own evil ends by financing wars and controlling the
media, government and banks.

It was also alarming that Mr Kurnoth posted links to the virulent anti-Jewish rantings of David Icke, who claims, amongst other libels, that the Jews bankrolled their own annihilation in the Holocaust and that racist, far-right groups are actually fronts for theJews. Such bigoted slurs and scapegoating, that are often found lurking in the darkest corners of the internet, must be forcefully rejected and repudiated at every turn.”

Alex Ryvchin, the co-CEO of The Executive Council of Australian Jewry, added: “It is deeply shameful for a candidate for public office to have traded in antisemitic conspiracy theories. We have seen time and time again how the weak of mind and plain evil have killed Jews citing supposed Jewish control of the world as a justification.

Our aspiring political leaders have a special responsibility to act to drive antisemitism from society, not to indulge it.


2 Responses to “Another Labor candidate disendorsed”
  1. Leon Poddebsky says:

    “Antisemites Without Borders”

  2. Adrian Jackson says:

    The ballot papers are printed and in use so his name will still appear as an ALP candidate regardless. The same with the One Nation fellow who was in trouble for his conduct in America visiting the NRA.

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