An award for Jill

October 30, 2015 by J-Wire News Service
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Author and authoritative medical writer, Jill Margo has been honoured by the National Press Club in its Health Journalist of the Year Awards for her article about former Premier of NSW Nick Greiner.

Jill Margo

Jill Margo

The former Premier had been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Margo, who is Health Editor of the Australian Financial Review and well-known as biographer of Westfield founder and Chairman, Frank Lowy, was presented with the prestigious award in Canberra on Wednesday.

She won the Press Club’s Ageing category award for the article entitled “I am well, but I recently had a mastectomy”.

This is the latest in a series of honours conferred on Ms Margo, having previously been the recipient of The Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship, two Walkley Awards, Australia’s top media award, Health Journalist of the Year from the National Press Club, Peace Media Award from the United Nations Association of Australia, as well as 16 other awards.

Her second biography, “Frank Lowy: A Second Life” was recently published by Harper Collins.

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