Australia imposes sanctions on Iran

December 12, 2022 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The Australian Government is imposing Magnitsky-style sanctions on 13 individuals and two entities involved in egregious human rights violations and abuses.

Penny Wong

Among them are Iran’s Morality Police, the Basij Resistance Force and six Iranian individuals involved in the violent crackdown on protests following the death of Mahsa ‘Jina’ Amini and the continued oppression of the people of Iran.

Seven Russian individuals involved in the attempted assassination of former opposition leader Alexei Navalny will also have human rights sanctions imposed on them.

These sanctions target grievous human rights situations where the perpetrators continue to act with impunity.

The listings demonstrate the Australian Government’s commitment to take clear action to assert our values and to hold perpetrators of serious human rights violations and abuses to account.

In addition to human rights sanctions, Australia is joining partners to announce further targeted financial sanctions on three Iranian individuals and one business involved in the supply of drones to Russia for use against Ukraine.

Russia is using Iranian-made drones to target civilians and critical infrastructure, with the intention of denying Ukrainian people energy, heating and water as they face freezing winter temperatures.

The supply of drones to Russia is evidence of the role Iran plays in destabilising global security. This listing highlights that those who provide material support to Russia will face consequences.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong said: “The Australian Government calls on countries to exert their influence on Russia to end its illegal, immoral war.

Australia stands with the people of Ukraine and with the people of Iran.

We employ every strategy at our disposal towards upholding human rights – ranging from dialogue and diplomacy to sanctions – consistent with our values and our interests.

The Albanese Government’s approach is to deal with the world as it is, and seek to shape it for the better.”

The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council welcomed the Federal Government’s decision to impose autonomous sanctions on Iranian human rights abusers.

AIJAC Executive Director Dr Colin Rubenstein said, “The newly announced sanctions on Iran, imposed under the Magnitsky-type sanctions law passed on a bipartisan basis last year, are very welcome. However, they are not yet enough and need to be a first step in a larger program of sanctions against elements of the Iranian regime.

“Over the last three months, there have been seven waves of sanctions announced by Canada, 5 by the US and 3 by the UK. Our allies have sanctioned 113 individuals and 17 entities linked to human rights abuses in Iran. On Friday, Australia sanctioned six individuals and two entities. Australia, therefore still needs to do more to become fully part of the principled consensus among Western democracies on the need to support Iranians fighting for their human rights in the face of gross oppression by a brutal regime.”

“Also welcome,” Dr. Rubenstein added, “is Canberra’s decision to join the consensus in censoring and sanctioning Iran over its provision of military aid to Russia for its illegal attack on Ukraine, including both drones and missiles. Until recently, Australia had not even condemned Iran for its material aid to Russia, much less imposed sanctions, thus lagging our allies both rhetorically and practically.

Also welcome is Australia’s  additional sanctions on Russia, including the designation of Russian individuals involved in the attempted assassination of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.”

“AIJAC has long called for Australia to take a stronger stance on Iran, thereby bringing us in line with our allies and partners and concretely standing up for our professed values. While we commend the Government’s announcement, we hope this is only the start of such sanctions and that going forward,  Australia will coordinate with its allies in penalising Iran and expand such measures accordingly,” Rubenstein concluded.

“The Iranian regime is murdering protesters on the street and torturing those it arrests”, said ZFA President Jeremy Leibler. “In Iran, the punishment for demanding human and civil rights is, all too often, death.”

Mr Leibler continued, “It is entirely appropriate for the Australian Government to sanction the key institutions brutally repressing Iranian freedoms. However, we strongly believe that this should only be the tip of the iceberg. The IRGC is involved in this repression, as is the Guardian Council and key government ministers. We believe these should also have sanctions applied to them.”

Mr Leibler concluded, “The late Senator Kimberley Kitching was instrumental in Australia adopting the legislation that has enabled these sanctions to be applied. Senator Kitching, who was a close friend of Israel and the Jewish community, would, I’m sure celebrate Magnitsky-style sanctions being applied to these Iranian entities and individuals and, like us, call for their wider application.”


One Response to “Australia imposes sanctions on Iran”
  1. Liat Kirby says:

    How about including Iran supplying weapons to Hezbollah et al for waging war on Israel?

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