AIJAC leader meets Netanyahu

June 20, 2014 by J-Wire Staff
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Mark Leibler, The Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council’s National Chairman,has met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem this week.

Mark Leibler

Mark Leibler

Mr Leibler conveyed the heartfelt wishes, prayers and solidarity of the Australian Jewish community in the wake of the kidnapping of three yeshiva students in Gush Etzion on the night of June 12.

“I thanked Prime Minister Netanyahu for his exemplary leadership at this difficult time for Israel and the Jewish people,” Mr Leibler said.

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu

Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu

Prime Minister Netanyahu expressed to Mr Leibler his disappointment that he had to postpone his historic visit, but he reaffirmed to Mr. Leibler that he remains committed to visit Australia as soon as possible.

The Prime Minister expressed his deepest appreciation to the Australian political leadership, as well as the Australian Jewish community, for their principled, steadfast support for Israel and a genuine peace process.

Mr Leibler also had a lengthy, confidential briefing from Mr Yossi Cohen, the Prime Minister’s National Security Advisor. They discussed the country’s security situation, aspects of the IDF’s efforts to locate the abducted students and considerations relevant to the Prime Minister’s visit to Australia, for when it is rescheduled.


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