AFL rabbi
Earlier this year Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann was selected to be an AFL multicultural community ambassador and as part of this role, he works with other community and faith leaders to strengthen community cohesion and togetherness through the AFL.

Rabbi Kaltmann
Rabbi Kaltmann writes: As part of this role, faith and community leaders were invited to send in a short video submission, (demonstrating how excited they were footy was back. I am thrilled to report I was selected as the winner and now own a West Coast Eagles jumper signed by AFL player Ambassador Nic Naitanui.
This role has opened my eyes to many different things that leaders can do to foster a deeper sense of connection. Being part of the AFL, in my own very small way, has improved my understanding of the importance of cross-cultural communication skills. It has also demonstrated how sport crosses all boundaries and lines and that there are no barriers to watching and enjoying a football game. This is something common to Australians of all faiths, backgrounds and ages. Just this week, there was a racist incident involving Carlton Footballer Eddie Betts, who was racially vilified for his Aboriginal heritage.
Being an AFL multicultural and community ambassador also helps me to understand the ways that leaders can take active roles to help further develop community programs and contribute to positive community health outcomes. Good leaders use their commitment and passion to drive projects and causes that are close to their hearts which helps to inspire others and empower people. We have to take a stance against any forms of hate, racism or lack of tolerance.
Strong leaders use their decision-making capabilities to steer their communities to make accountable and confident decisions. Exceptional leaders build relationships and communities through their innovation, commitment and dedication. I am just beginning my journey as an AFL multicultural ambassador and am very excited to see where this journey takes me.
Upon returning from the land of Israel, instead of showing strong leadership, 10 of the spies spoke ill of the land of Israel and sent the people of Israel into a panic with the people echoing their leaders by subsequently declaring that the Land of Israel was unsuitable and uninhabitable. While two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb exhorted the people that the land of Israel is an exceedingly good land, their attempt at strong leadership was met with protest.
The 10 spies demonstrated poor integrity, lack of adaptability and little vision for the future. Their communication was poor and their lack of accountability for their actions lead to the people of Israel being exiled into the desert for 40 years until the generation that had rejected the land of Israel died out.
This week, as we enter Shabbat I will certainly be reflecting on the importance of strong leadership. I feel privileged to represent our community in many forums, both in the Jewish and wider communities,
The Australian way has always been to promote tolerance, multiculturalism, harmony and togetherness. I understand that leadership is a privilege and responsibility. Together we can begin to work on ourselves to use our potential for these Australian values which will help our society to become more cohesive and collaborative.
Rabbi Kaltman should use his new found connection with the AFL to point out how stupid and downright insulting for players and umpires to ‘take the knee’before matches, thereby submitting to political correctness and showing deference to anti Semitic groups such as Black Lives Matter. The good Rabbi should make it clear to the AFL that fans want to enjoy the sport without being subjected to ‘woke’ nonsense.
From the ADL:
Internet Rumor Ties Antisemitic Fliers to Black Lives Matter
June 8, 2020
In the midst of ongoing, nationwide protests in response to the murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer, an internet rumor has circulated accusing Black Lives Matter of distributing antisemitic fliers.
The flier reads, “Ending white privilege…intersects [sic] ending Jewish privilege,” and claims that Jewish Americans receive special privileges at leading universities. “Challenging White Privilege and Jewish Privilege is not anti-semitic [sic]. It is not defamatory. It does not insult anyone. It is Social Justice,” the flier says. It also includes the hashtags #BlackLivesMatter, #WeAreAllMuslim, and #WhitePrivilege.
The claim that Jews are able to manipulate institutions, including universities, to benefit themselves at the expense of non-Jews, is a classic antisemitic trope.
As of this writing, there is no indication that any Black Lives Matter activists have shared, printed or distributed these fliers during the current protests. Nevertheless, the fliers may have the effect of driving a wedge between Jews and Black Americans.
Speculation about this antisemitic flier comes at a time when other fliers promoting conspiracy theories are also circulating online, including some alleging that George Soros is involved in fomenting street violence.
Images of this flier have circulated online since at least as early as March 2017, when a news report reported that unknown perpetrators had distributed a physical flier at the University of Illinois at Chicago. At the time, a representative of Black Lives Matter condemned the flier, as well as several additional fliers bearing antisemitic messages and the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag.
Since 2017, ADL has received reports of this and similar fliers at the University of Colorado at Denver, Kansas State University, Princeton University and California State University at Northridge, as well as in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The flier in Cape Canaveral was distributed by the New Jersey European Heritage Association, a white supremacist group. The perpetrators in the rest of the fliering incidents are unknown.