Add your hero to NAJEX ‘Heroes’ website

February 28, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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The NSW Association of Jewish Service & Ex-Service Men & Women (NAJEX) has launched the ‘Heroes’ section of its website, enabling members of the community to display photographs and biographical details of their relatives who served in Australia’s armed forces or those any of our Allies, including partisans.

This initiative is part of the centenary activities of NAJEX, along with the production of a pictorial history of the Association to be launched later this year.

NAJEX was concerned about the inevitable loss of old photographs of Jews who had served their country and wanted to provide an opportunity for people to store these and in doing so, to perpetuate the memory of a deceased relative and honour their service.

So the Heroes section of the NAJEX website now includes amazing stories of the extraordinary lives of those who fought for democracy in the two world wars and what they achieved in their civilian lives afterwards. The history book will contain biographical details of other well-known identities and at this stage, their stories are not being uploaded until that book is published.

Many of the stories on the NAJEX website make for fascinating reading and solemn reflection on the indomitable strength of those previous generations who endured so much adversity, often at a very young age.

NAJEX welcomes more contributions to this section of its website, which can be found at

NAJEX is also very pleased that this year its Anzac Day commemoration should be held in the normal way at Sydney Jewish Museum on Sunday 18 April at 9.30 for 9.45. The Occasional Address will be given by the Hon Dr Marjorie O’Neill MP, State Member for Coogee.

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