ADC welcomes Christensen apology

May 21, 2017 by J-Wire Staff
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Chairman of the B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission Dvir Abramovich has welcomed the apology by coalition MP George Christensen for his appearance on the racist internet radio show The Dingoes’ podcast, part of the neo-Nazi, white-supremacist Internet media hub The Right Stuff.

George Christensen

Mr Christensen told the ABC, “It has since been pointed out to me that they are extremely antisemitic, regularly make racial-based slurs and, you know, they subscribe to white nationalism”. In February 2017, following his interview on the Convict Report” podcast, the ADC called on Mr Christensen, “to show true leadership and to reject any form of divisive speech, racism and prejudice that debase civil discourse.” The ADC also welcomed Mr Christensen vigorous opposition to the announced visit to Australia of white-supremacist Mike Enoch.

Dr Dvir Abramovich said: “This is the kind of regret from Mr Christensen that we sought. We are heartened that Mr Christensen has finally owned up to the fact that his appearance on the Dingoes Podcast was a mistake that only legitimised racist rhetoric, and his apology sounds sincere.

We are also glad by his outreach to the broad community to repair the harm and offence he has caused, and by his decision to speak out on this issue of great importance. As we said back in February, elected officials carry the responsibility of using their public platform to fight the disease of prejudice and to stand up to any form of intolerance and bigotry.

With that in mind, it is pleasing to see that Mr Christensen is now speaking out against the proposed visit to Australia by white-supremacist Mike Enoch ,and we look forward to his future efforts and leadership on this front. We now consider the matter closed.”


2 Responses to “ADC welcomes Christensen apology”
  1. LIZZIE MOORE says:

    Gosh, thanks for this. Had not heard of this retrograde outfit The Right Stuff or of this Enoch creep, before your article. Todah, Lizzie via Bendigo, Vic.

  2. Liat Kirby-Nagar says:

    Why didn’t Mr. Christensen do his homework before appearing on Dingoes Podcast? Has anybody asked him that question?

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