ADC speaks out on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

January 27, 2018 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Australia’s Anti-Defamation Commission acknowledges  International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Dvir Abramovich – ADC

Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC said on Saturday: “Today we join together to mourn and to commemorate the six million Jews, and millions of other individuals who were systematically exterminated by Hitler’s demonic regime. As we reflect and pause on the darkest chapter our world has ever seen, when one-third of the world’s entire Jewish community was murdered, we vow to never forget and to always listen to the survivors as we preserve and honour the memory of those who perished.

As we witness an alarming rise in antisemitism around the world, and an increase in religious hatred which poses a dangerous threat to the safety of us all, we pledge to never be silent or look away when atrocities and genocide occur, and to stand with the victims of persecution. This sad reality, which is permeating too many societies, must drive us to educate present and future generations about the evil that people are capable of, and to unequivocally condemn any manifestation of antisemitism and bigotry.

This is also a time to rededicate ourselves to fight for freedom, justice and for a more tolerant world where human dignity is protected. The promise of “Never Again” must not be a catchphrase. And so, this annual date reminds us that these are ideals and principles that must not only be spoken, but which must guide our lives everyday as we battle to eradicate the evil of racism, discrimination and indifference from the world.”

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