ADC criticises The Daily Telegraph

July 22, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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Australia’s B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission has criticised Sydney’s The Daily Telegraph for failing to include terrorist attacks against Israelis in its list of global terrorism.

image004In the aftermath of the Nice attack, the paper on its front page  published a the number of victims in Orlando,  Istanbul, Paris, Baghdad, Lahore Ankara, Grand Bassam, Monguno, Brussels, Sousse, Egypt, Yemen, but omitted to mention any Israeli victims of Palestinian terrorism.

Dr. Abramovich, Chairman of the ADC, issued the following statement: “It’s hard to understand why The Daily Telegraph chose to glaringly exclude Israeli victims from its list.

One wonders if Israeli lives lost in such reprehensible assaults are not considered newsworthy or if the paper deems Palestinians terrorism as somewhat different to the others it listed.

Given that vehicular attacks have targeted and claimed the lives of many Israelis, and that over the last year dozens of Israelis have been murdered, it’s disappointing that the Daily Telegraph did see it fit to cite such grotesque incidents when reporting about the Nice attack and similar abominable incidents around the world. We hope that this regrettable practice does not occur in the future.”


One Response to “ADC criticises The Daily Telegraph”
  1. michael Burd says:

    Well done, With limited time and resources DVir this is where you should be concentrating your efforts not defending people that wish you and I harm and who never ever reciprocate .

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