ADC condemns antisemitic and racist vandalism of Melbourne golf club
The Anti-Defamation Commission has condemned vandals who damaged the Cranbourne Golf Club, drawing swastikas as well as obscene images and homophobic slurs on the club’s fourth green.

The 4th green at Cranbourne
The incident reported to the ADC by multiple witnesses, occurred on Tuesday night, with players shocked by the ugly scene.
On Wednesday morning, management told patrons that the area will be temporarily closed.
Robert (not his real name) who saw the defacement, labelled the attack as “disgusting” and “cowardly.”
Cranbourne was founded in 1953 by Jewish golfers to cater for those prevented from joining other clubs because of their religion.
Dr Dvir Abramovich, Chairman of the Anti-Defamation Commission, said: “Another day, another sickening and chilling incident of swastika vandalism, and if this hate spree continues, Melbourne will soon be known as the swastika capital of Australia.
This is not just graffiti on the ground- it is an attack on all of us, and I never I thought I’d say this, but this is becoming the norm.
When this type of cruel and vicious vandalism comes into full view, it reminds us that there are white-supremacists in our midst wishing to intimidate us. The vile stampede of neo-Nazi defacement that has defiled our city is reaching pitch fever and must be stopped.
We cannot let our guard as home-grown extremists are ramping up their sickening campaign of harassment, and we need to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to this growing societal virus.
We call on the state government to convene a roundtable of leaders from across the spectrum to come together and agree on effective measures to fight against this toxic bigotry that is threatening our way of life. We hope that police identifies the perpetrators and that they are dealt with to the full extent of the law.”
The Cranbourne Golf Course has been the site of multiple antisemitic attacks featuring the Nazi swastika across its history.
The Victorian Shadow Minister for Police and Community Safety, David Southwick said: “Victoria is a proudly multicultural and tolerant community and the use of this imagery in targeted attacks must never be accepted.
The Nazi Swastika is a symbol of hate and this incident reinforces the need for the Andrews Government to work with the Liberal Nationals and pass bipartisan legislation banning its use.”
The executive director of The Jewish Community Council of Victoria Judy Fetter told J-Wire: “This neo-Nazi vandalism at Cranbourne Golf Course is totally abhorrent and against all the positive values of our proud multicultural state.
All symbols representing hate have no place in our society, and the JCCV has advocated for including such a ban in Victorian legislation.
The JCCV is involved in ongoing discussions with the Victorian Multicultural Commission, Victoria Police and the Ethnic Community Council of Victoria regarding the increase in racist incidents and online antisemitic posts spiking during the Covid-19 pandemic, and has also been consulting with members of the Victorian Government. The Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Ros Spence MP will be addressing the JCCV Plenum on 1st June as part of this process of connecting with the Jewish community.”
Federal Labor MP for the Melbourne seat of Macnamara, Josh Burns added: The ugly swastika graffiti at Cranbourne golf club is appalling but sadly not surprising – as Australia is experiencing a rise in far-Right extremism.
These were clearly deliberate attacks designed to target and intimidate Jewish golfers.
This sort of racist vandalism is an insult to the thousands of Australians who lost their lives fighting the Nazi regime.
The Federal Government should be doing more to combat racism – especially in these times of heightened anxiety and hardship.”