Abbas rips Trump, Mideast peace plan at Arab League meeting in Cairo

February 4, 2020 by JNS
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Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas and leaders of Arab countries expressed their disapproval over the newly revealed U.S. Mideast peace plan at the Arab League summit in Cairo over the weekend.

Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas delivers a speech about the Mideast peace plan at Palestinian Authority headquarters in Ramallah on Jan. 28, 2020. Photo by Flash90.

“I am profoundly convinced that [U.S. President Donald] Trump does not know the first thing concerning this plan. He has no link to it,” Abbas told journalists in Cairo on Sunday.

The plan, he said, was the product of Trump’s senior Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, former special envoy to the Mideast Jason Greenblatt and U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who he said had just put “[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s ideas” to paper.

The Arab League issued a statement on Saturday, saying it “rejects the U.S.-Israeli ‘deal of the century’ considering that it does not meet the minimum rights and aspirations of Palestinian people,” adding that it would not take part in the plan’s implementation.

Nonetheless, representatives of the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Oman, attended the plan’s unveiling at the White House last week, while Saudi Arabia issued an official statement accepting it as a basis for negotiations.

The day after the plan was announced, Abbas sent a handwritten note to Netanyahu declaring that the P.A. now saw itself as free from its obligations under the Oslo Accords, including security coordination with the Jewish state. However, a senior P.A. official told The Times of Israel on Sunday that the P.A. had not yet taken any concrete steps to end security coordination with Israel.

“Until now, the coordination is ongoing, but relations are extremely tense,” the official said, adding that should Israel begin extending its sovereignty to Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley, the situation would change drastically.

Also on Sunday, Abbas’s Fatah faction posted political cartoons and memes to its Facebook page, and also in the official P.A. daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, attacking the plan.



One Response to “Abbas rips Trump, Mideast peace plan at Arab League meeting in Cairo”
  1. Eion Isaac says:

    Going against Abbas and Fatah is the rejection of the USA -Israeli peace offer to Fatah in 2000 giving the Palestinian People a State in 94% of the West Bank with land swaps a rejection with human bombs killing and wounding horribly thousands of Israeli citizens that led to a complete loss of any hope for peace amongst the Jewish Israelis and in particular ex doves disgusted .
    In 2008 Olmert tried again this time with Abbas and others in Fatah and when it leaked out there would be a modification of right of return for Arabs into Israel
    Fatah ran for fear of their lives from the deal .
    Despite blocking the Escape of the Jews from Nazi Europe 1939 -1945 to their ancient homeland as a Sanctuary for life the Fatah and Hamas still talk of the Arab Catastrophe .

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