A message to the NIF from CWP

May 25, 2011 Agencies
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CWP to New Israel Fund: ’our most important asset is the solidarity and commitment to shared values of freedom of expression and association’

On May 16, 2011, the New Israel Fund (NIF) informed the Coalition of Women for Peace that it would no longer act as its fiscal sponsor for donor-advised donations. While CWP is not a direct grantee of NIF, individuals from the US, Europe and Australia could decide to allocate their contribution to CWP via NIF. Until now.

This decision comes after NIF has come under attack from extremist right-wing groups and Knesset members. This attack specifically focuses on targeting sources of funding of peace and human rights NGOs.  We regret that NIF yielded to this pressure by dissociating from CWP due to our work to end the occupation and our clear stand for accountability and adherence to international law and human rights.

Facing a climate of political persecution of peace and human rights defenders, it is our strong belief that our most important asset is the solidarity among activists and civil society organizations and our commitment to shared values of freedom of expression and association. We find that the decision of NIF is a dangerous precedent undermining solidarity and commitment to democratic values.

Will the right-wing attempt to undermine the anti-occupation struggle by threatening the financial survival of organizations succeed? That is up to each and every one of us to determine.

The above appears on the CWP website….



4 Responses to “A message to the NIF from CWP”
  1. Otto Waldmann says:

    Indeed the “news” that NIF have abandoned CWP looks like a good result .

    An enormous BUT is that this is only a window dressing, cosmetic, make-up little ( very little actually ) exercise to allow NIFA to ingratiate itself with the local Jewish community.
    The question that MUST be repeated to NIFA untill answered and addressed in a satisfactory manner is :


    I stopped counting at FIFTEEN other NGOs perfectly identical to CWP both in size and nefarious agendas against Israel and Jewish concerns in general.

    Neither Naomi Chazan nor Robin Margo should be allowed to get away with , yet another exercise in their quest to fool and fail fellow Jews !! I am also reffering here to Chazan’s impending Limud Oz appearance !

    If we stop right here we have achieved a groisse gurnischt !!!
    NIF and its NIFA are out there causing us continuous and serious tzures !!

    I, for one,am not finished with them until they ARE finished !!

  2. seth gerev says:

    The full letter written by CWP to NIF, with some very scathing accusations, is on their website: http://www.coalitionofwomen.org/?p=2102&lang=en

  3. Otto Waldmann says:

    It is becoming a flagrant offence to one’s intelligence that deceit,duplicity and fundamental deficient rational are essential features of NIF’s DNA.
    What can be more insulting than mudding the “explicits” of a plain and clear exercise in basic logic.
    Long before May 16, 2011, NIF stated falsely that they were no longer associated with WCA since 2009. Truth has been that NIF and WCA have been working hand in hand on all anti Israel projects all along. The MINOR difference between “sponsoring” and channelling funds to WCA through NIF clearly confirms their duplicitous, deceiving nature. The difference between actual grants and sponsoring the philosophy and mechanism of funding is incredibly negligible. Evidence is the fact that WCA is now up in arms against the apparent decision by NIF to abandon completely WCA and no such reaction was at all aparent in 2009 when seemingly the said direct NIF funding would have stopped. Conclusion: NIF cannot be trusted and same goes for NIFA !
    In any case, WCA is but only one of other, numerous, NGOs who espouse EXACTLY THE SAME philosophy as WCA and there is no indication at all that those NGOs are about to be jetissoned by NIF.Just one spot out of many more flimsily covered with whiting on this shmate of a “leopard”.

  4. Ari Briggs says:

    I believe some of CWP comments have been left out and are actually the most important.
    They speak of Robin Margo writing numerous false facts, as follows “The statement by Robin Margo contains numerous false facts, such as the removal of CWP from NIF DA list in the beginning of the year (the last donation via NIF entered our bank account on May 16, 2011). Margo accused CWP of not updating its website, in a manner that justifies a law suit, according to his words. This is outrageous, as CWP updated its website within four days from the date of this request.” Some may even draw the conclusion that misinformation had been published to ease NIF’s fund raising activities into Australia.

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