A message from Shimon Peres

September 10, 2012 by J-Wire
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Shimon Peres, the President of the State of Israel has sent a message for New Year…


Shimon Peres

As we stand poised on the threshold of the New Year, it is my distinct pleasure to convey my heartfelt good wishes to all the Jewish Communities around the world, in my name and on behalf of your brethren in Israel, eager to embark upon another year with hope and optimism.

As a small country with so very few natural resources, we are doubly proud of the human resources that Israel has generated and that represent the most valuable capital to which a country can aspire. From our soil have emerged Nobel Prize laureates and the spirit of innovation, creativity and daring. These achievements have put us at the forefront of scientific and technological advances and inspired our designation as a ‘start-up nation.’ We cope with issues such as water and food scarcity by developing groundbreaking solutions in research and development, and continue to explore new frontiers that will revolutionize our lives such as the field of brain research, which promises to unlock the yet-to-be-deciphered mysteries of the human brain and do much to enhance the well-being of humanity.

We look upon the Jewish communities around the world not only as our extended family, but also as our full partners, and feel it is imperative that our deep-rooted Jewish bonds continue to be safeguarded, cultivated and brought to fruition. The young generation is our future’s promise and its engagement in the cause of building a brighter tomorrow for Jews in Israel and around the world is key to our success. Educational programs, regular visits to Israel, first-hand experiences and people-to-people meetings have made their mark and serve to build the bridges that unite us.

These bridges are firmly rooted in the heritage of values which we share. Beyond the commitment which we uphold to each other, we must never fail to recall our duty to better the world around us, in keeping with the fundamentally Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam. Throughout history, the Jewish people have contributed to society their greatest aptitude – dissatisfaction. Always striving for a better tomorrow, our people have attained results to be proud of. Today, we perpetuate this legacy through our dedication to moral values, our drive towards knowledge and our unyielding pursuit for peace. It is this call for participating in the ceaseless march of humanity in our unique way which unites us.

Once again at the dawn of a new year, we stand upon the ancient pillars of morality, knowledge and peace, facing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead and gazing upon the future of our people and of the world. Our unity is our anchor, our moral call is our wind. Both will help us chart the way towards a horizon of growth, security and well-being for the Jewish people and a brighter tomorrow for humanity at large.

From Jerusalem, my friends, I want to wish the Jewish people the world over a happy, peaceful, healthy and prosperous year.


Shana Tova u’metuka!


Shimon Peres


מח’ מידע והפקה – אגף תקשורת


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