Netanyahu receives personal effects of soldier missing in action in 1982

April 5, 2019 by J-Wire Newsdesk
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Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has attended an official Russian Defence Ministry ceremony at which he received the remains of Zachary Baumel’s personal effects.

Netanyahu received the personal effects of Zachary Baumel Photo: Kobi Gideon (GPO)

Russian Chief of the General Staff Valery Gerasimov also attended the ceremony.

Zachary Baumel’s remains were returned to Israel this week. He was listed as being missing in action in Lebanon in 1982.

Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Netanyahu’s remarks at the ceremony:

“Thank you sir, thanks again to President Putin and to the Defence Ministry of Russia.

This emotional day, and this moving ceremony, give further expression to the special bond between the Russian people and the Jewish people.

Zachary Baumel

We will never forget the enormous sacrifice of the Russian people and the Red Army in saving humanity and in saving the Jewish people from the Nazi monster. Hundreds of thousands of Jews fought heroically in the ranks of the Red Army and many of them we are now familiar with in Israel. They still wear their medals, and many others helped establish the IDF.

Therefore, it warms the heart to see the partnership of values, of honouring soldiers, of the fellowship of soldiers, of comrades-in-arms, and the important principle of never leaving anyone behind.

I would like to thank you sir, on behalf of the people of Israel, on behalf of the soldiers of the IDF, and on behalf of the mothers and fathers of all our soldiers.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu thanked Russian President Putin and the Defense Ministry for the effort to bring Zachary Baumel for Jewish burial after 37 years. The Russian Defense Ministry orchestra played a requiem. After the ceremony, the Israeli flag that was placed on the casket containing the effects was folded by the honour guard and given to the Prime Minister.


One Response to “Netanyahu receives personal effects of soldier missing in action in 1982”
  1. Lynne Newington says:

    “We will never forget the enormous sacrifice of the Russian people and the Red Army in saving humanity and in saving the Jewish people from the Nazi monster. Hundreds of thousands of Jews fought heroically in the ranks of the Red Army and many of them we are now familiar with in Israel”…..
    Depending on what [non Jewish] history book one reads, the above has been well recorded……and well worth mentioning.
    Been there and done that.

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