ADC says “never again”

May 4, 2016 by J-Wire Staff
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Australia’s B’nai B’rith Anti-Defamation Commission reflects on Yom Hashoah—Holocaust  Memorial Day.

Chairman Dr Dvir Abramovich said:

Dvir Abramovich

Dvir Abramovich

“Today is a day of sombre reflection and remembrance of humanity’s greatest atrocity, a period in history where man’s depravity reached unfathomable levels. The Holocaust stands as an example of the terrifying depths to which mankind can plummet, and its horrors and sufferings must never be forgotten. We mourn for the six million Jews and the millions of  people who perished at the hands of the Nazis, and the families who lost their loved ones.

We honour the heroism and resilience of all those who resisted Hitler’s genocidal regime and surmounted the worst terrors imaginable.

We also pay tribute those who courageously risked their own lives to rescue the persecuted, and those who fought  valiantly to defeat the Third Reich. The noble heights and courage of those men and women will be forever remembered.

The steadfast determination and dedication of the survivors to rebuild their lives is a shining beacon for the triumph of the human spirit over anger and vengeance.

If the lessons of the Holocaust are to have a real meaning, we must pledge to confront the evil and dangers of antisemitism, which has re-emerged with alarming intensity around the world. As fewer survivors remain with us, it our responsibility to do justice to their legacy.

We must share with the younger generations the importance of speaking out against atrocities and mass murders in our time, whether it is Syria, Iraq, Sudan and the Congo, and to stand up to nations and terrorist organizations who seek our destruction.

By remaining vigilant and working together to defeat evil, tyranny, discrimination and hatred, wherever and whenever they appear, we can ensure that unspeakable tragedies like the Holocaust never recur, and fulfil the charge and promise of ‘Never Again’.”

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