$40,000 to strengthen bridge linking communities
The Minister for Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship Matthew Guy has extended the Victorian Government’s Strategic Partnership Agreement with the Rabbinical Council of Victoria.

David Southwick MP, Rabbi Daniel Rabin, Vice President RCV, Premier Napthine, and Mathew Guy MP holding the funding agreement
A further $40,000 was granted by the Victorian Government through the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Citizenship (OMAC) to the Council to continue their work to strengthen relationships between the Jewish community, other faith groups and the wider community.
This extended Strategic Partnership Agreement builds on the Victorian Government’s previous investments of more than $360,000 since 2007 to support the Council’s important work.
The President of the Rabbinical Council of Victoria, Rabbi Mordechai Gutnick, welcomed the announcement. “We are grateful to the Victorian Government for their support and confidence in the RCV’s leadership role in the community and commitment to building social cohesion.”
Previous grants have assisted the RCV in its efforts on a wide range of issues relevant to the Jewish community and to the broader Victorian public. Professional development has been provided to member Rabbis and their Rebbetzins in areas such as mental health, counselling, domestic violence and child sexual abuse. The organisation has also engaged with the leaders of other faiths and communities. The RCV is currently working on establishing Beth Din for Civil and Commercial Disputes and an accredited child protection policy project in all shules.